Publications by Sergei Ipatov

January 4, 2025

This list of publications can be found on  and also on .Versions of the papers presented on astro-ph ( sometimes are not final. Send e-mail to if you would like to get hard copies of the papers which are not available on the sites presented below. Most of the journal papers can be downloaded for personal (non-commercial) use only. Abstracts of some publications (including abstracts of all papers and preprints) that are absent on my web site can be found on (print: ipatov, s.). Most of my English publications (with citations of my papers) are available on and on

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Список публикаций на русском языке:

       websites with a list of my publications:

WoS Researcher ID:  O-2302-2014

e-library  SPIN-код: 7182-9350."ipatov%2C%20s.")&sort=date%20desc%2C%20bibcode%20desc&p_=0 (you can look the links to files with papers on this website).  (below in references you can use web addresses without text with the name of publication after the number; if the reference will not work you can find the correct reference in the list of all publications on the website). May be there are some files in academia and researchgate (for non-journal publications) to which the links are not listed below.,+S – with files of my papers



Contents. Publications are presented below in the following order:

   Refereed journal papers without papers with many co-authors (in English)

   Journal papers with a large number of co-authors published in 2012-2015

   Refered papers in journals only in Russian

   Monograph in Russian

   Chapter in a book (in Russian)

   Papers in refereed proceedings and books (in English)

   3-4 page papers of Moscow Solar System Symposium

   Papers in refereed proceedings and books (only in Russian)

   Preprints (in Russian; these preprints were refereed, published by a printing-house, and were sold in shops)

   Abstracts published in the journal Meteoritics and Planetary Science (Q2) and indexed in the Web of Science).  

   Abstracts published by LPI (in English)

   Other abstracts published in periodic editions (e.g., Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society) and other minor publications (in English)

   Other abstracts (in English)

   Abstracts (only in Russian)

   Posters and oral presentations without abstracts

   Grant reports

   Reports of the Institute of Applied Mathematics of Soviet Academy of Sciences (only in Russian)


   Press releases

  For all papers and for abstracts in journals, olders publications are presented first. For other abstracts and preprints, the oldest publications are presented first.



refereed journal papers (in English)

   Ipatov S.I. Probabilities of collisions of bodies ejected from forming Earth with the terrestrial planets // Icarus, 2025., v. 425, id. 116341 (24 p.) . DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2024.116341. , ;

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of celestial bodies in the Solar system and in several exoplanetary systems // Solar System Research, 2024, v. 58, Suppl. 1, pp. S50-S63. DOI: 10.1134/S0038094623600105, .,, ,

    Ipatov S.I. Growth of the Moon due to bodies ejected from the Earth // Solar System Research, 2024, v. 58, N 1. P. 94-111. DOI: 10.1134/S0038094624010040. , , ,

     Ipatov S.I. Delivery of icy planetesimals to inner planets in the Proxima Centauri planetary system // Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2023. V. 58. P. 752-774., . , .

     Ipatov S.I. Motion of planetesimals in the Hill sphere of the star Proxima Centauri // Solar System Research, 2023, v. 57, N 6. P. 612-628. . DOI: 10.1134/S0038094623060047. . ,

    Ipatov S.I. Stable orbits in the feeding zone of the planet Proxima Centauri c // Solar System Research, 2023, v. 57, N 3, P. 236-248. DOI: 10.1134/S0038094623030036. . . . . ,

     Marov M.Ya, Ipatov S.I. Migration processes in the Solar System and their role in the evolution of the Earth and planets // Physics – Uspekhi. V. 66, N 1, p. 2-31. (2023) . DOI: ,, . ,

     Marov M.Ya, Ipatov S.I. Formation of the Earth and Moon: Influence of Small Bodies // Geochemistry International, 2021, Vol. 59, No. 11, pp. 1010–1017. ISSN 0016-7029,

DOI:  10.1134/S0016702921110070, , ,  +, б

     Feoktistova E.A., Ipatov S.I., Depths of Copernican craters on lunar maria and highlands // Earth, Moon, and Planets, 2021. v. 125, Article id. 1, 23 p.,, , +, ,

   Ipatov S.I., Feoktistova, E.A., Svetsov V.V. Number of near-Earth objects and formation of lunar craters over the last billion years // Solar System Research, 2020, v. 54, N 5, P. 384-404. DOI: 10.1134/S0038094620050019 . . , ,   +, ,

       Ipatov S.I. Probabilities of collisions of planetesimals from different regions of the feeding zone of the terrestrial planets with forming planets and the Moon // Solar System Research, 2019, v. 53, № 5, p. 332-361. DOI: 10.1134/S0038094619050046 . ,, , +,,

    Ipatov S.I., Formation of embryos of the Earth and the Moon from the common rarefied condensation and the subsequent growth, Solar System Research (translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik), 2018, v. 52, N 5, p. 401-416. WOS: 000451063100004. ISSN: 0038-0946. eISSN: 1608-3423; , , +,

   Marov M.Ya., Ipatov S.I., Delivery of water and volatiles to the terrestrial planets and the Moon, Solar System Research (translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik), 2018, v. 52, N 5, p. 392-400.  .  . WOS:  000451063100003. ISSN: 0038-0946    eISSN: 1608-3423; , , , , + –English text)

(  and   - Russian text.

   Ipatov, S.I., Origin of orbits of secondaries in the discovered trans-Neptunian binaries, Solar System Research (translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik), 2017, v. 51, N 5, 409-416 (2017). doi 10.1134/S00gus38094617050045 , ,, + English text.

     Ipatov, S.I., Formation of trans-Neptunian satellite systems at the stage of condensations, Solar System Research (translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik), 2017, v. 51, N 4, P. 294-314 (2017). DOI: 10.1134/S0038094617040013,, , + in English

   Ipatov, S.I., Location of upper borders of cavities containing dust and gas under pressure in comets, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., v. 423, 3474-3477 (2012)., , , +,

   Ipatov, S.I. and A’Hearn, M.F., The outburst triggered by the Deep Impact collision with Comet Tempel 1, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., v. 414, N 1, 76-107 (2011). DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.18079.x ., . +, ,   ,

   Ipatov, S.I., The angular momentum of two collided rarefied preplanetesimals and the formation of binaries, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., v. 403, 405-414 (2010) , , +, .

   Boss, A.P., Keiser, S.A., Ipatov, S.I., Myhill, E.A., Vanhala, H.A.T., Triggering collapse of the presolar dense cloud core and injecting short-lived radioisotopes with a shock wave. I. Varied shock speeds, Astrophys. J., v. 708, 1268-1280 (2010), doi:10.1088/0004-637X/708/2/1268 , . +,

    Ipatov, S.I., Kutyrev, A., Madsen, G.J., Mather, J.C., Moseley, S.H., Reynolds, R.J., Dynamical zodiacal cloud models constrained by high resolution spectroscopy of the zodiacal light, Icarus, v. 194, N. 2, 769-788 (2008). DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2007.11.009 ., + ; , ; an old version of the paper with a greater number of figures, but with less analysis is on ) .

   Boss, A.P., Ipatov, S.I., Keiser, S.A., Myhill, E.A., Vanhala, H.A.T., Simultaneous triggered collapse of the presolar dense cloud core and injection of short-lived radioisotopes by a supernova shock wave, Astrophysical Journal Letters, v. 686, L119-L123 (2008). ; . +,

   Klaasen K.P., M.F. A’Hearn, M.W. Baca, W.A. Delamere, M. Desnoyer, T.L. Farnham, O. Groussin, D. Hampton, S.I. Ipatov, J.-Y. Li, C.M. Lisse, N. Mastrodemos, S. McLaughlin, J.M. Sunshine, P.C. Thomas, D.D. Wellnitz, Invited article: Deep Impact instrument calibration. Review of Scientific Instruments Journal, v. 79, issue 9, pp. 091301-091301-77 (77 pages), (2008). DOI: 10.1063/1.2972112 , , +,

Copyright (2008) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in (Review of Scientific Instruments Journal, v. 79, issue 9, 091301) and may be found at

   Ipatov, S.I., A’Hearn, M.F., and Klaasen, K.P., Automatic removal of cosmic ray signatures on Deep Impact images, Advances in Space Research, v. 40, 160-172, (2007). , ; +,

(initial version on ).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of small bodies and dust to near-Earth space, Advances in Space Research, v. 37, N 1, 126-137 (2006) , +,

(initial version on   ). DOI 10.1016/j.asr.2005.05.076 ,

   A’Hearn M.F., M. J. S. Belton, W. A. Delamere, J. Kissel, K. P. Klaasen, L. A. McFadden, K. J. Meech, H. J. Melosh, P. H. Schultz, J. M. Sunshine, P. C. Thomas, J. Veverka, D. K. Yeomans, M. W. Baca, I. Busko, C. J. Crockett, S. M. Collins, M. Desnoyer, C. A. Eberhardy, C. M. Ernst, T. L. Farnham, L. Feaga, O. Groussin, D. Hampton, S. I. Ipatov, J.-Y. Li, D. Lindler, C. M. Lisse, N. Mastrodemos, W. M. Owen Jr., J. E. Richardson, D. D. Wellnitz, R. L. White, Deep Impact: Excavating Comet Tempel 1, Science, 14 October 2005, v. 310, 258-264 ; ; , +,

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of trans-Neptunian objects to the Earth, Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, v. 24, 35-38 (2005)., +, ,

   Marov, M. Ya. and Ipatov, S.I., Migration of dust particles and volatiles delivery to the terrestrial planets, Solar System Research (translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik), v. 39, N 5, 374-380 (2005)  , + ,   (Russian text: )

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Comet and asteroid hazard to the terrestrial planets, Advances in Space Research, Elsevier, v. 33, N 9, 1524-1533 (2004). . , ; initial version on ).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of Jupiter-family comets and resonant asteroids to near-Earth space, “Astrodynamics, Space Missions, and Chaos”, ed. by E. Belbruno, D. Folta, and P. Gurfil, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, v. 1017, pp. 46-65 (2004).,, initial version on , DOI: 10.1196/annals.1311.004 , +,

   Ipatov, S.I., Mather, J.C., and Taylor, P.A., Migration of interplanetary dust, “Astrodynamics, Space Missions, and Chaos”, ed. by E. Belbruno, D. Folta, and P. Gurfil, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, v. 1017, pp. 66-80 (2004).,, ; initial version on ; DOI: 10.1196/annals.1311.005 , +,

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of trans-Neptunian objects to the terrestrial planets, Earth, Moon, and Planets, v. 92, 89-98 (2003) . ( ; initial version on ). +,

   Ipatov, S.I., Comet hazard to the Earth, Advances in Space Research, Elsevier, v. 28, N 8, pp. 1107-1116 (2001) ( +, , initial version on  ) .

   Ipatov, S.I. and Henrard, J., Evolution of orbits of trans-Neptunian bodies at the 2:3 resonance with Neptune, Solar System Research (translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik), v. 34, N 1, pp. 61-74 (2000). , , +, ,  - in Russian;

   Ipatov, S.I., Variations in orbital elements of planets, Solar System Research (translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik), v. 34, N 3, pp. 179-185 (2000). , , +, ,   - in Russian

   Ipatov, S.I., Accessing astronomical data over the Internet, Solar System Research (translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik), v. 33, N 3, P. 247-251 (1999). ,,

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of trans-Neptunian objects to the Earth, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, v. 73, N 1-4, pp. 107-116 (1999) , , , +, ,

   Ipatov, S.I. and Hahn, G.J. Orbital evolution of the P/1996 R2 and P/1996 N2 objects, Solar System Research (translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik), v. 33, N 6, pp. 487-500 (1999). , , , .

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of celestial bodies in the Solar System, Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, v. 15. pp. 241-247 (1998). , .  , +,

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of small bodies in the Solar system, Earth, Moon, and Planets, v. 72. N 1-3. pp. 211-214 (1996). +,

   Ipatov, S.I., Gravitational interaction of objects moving  in crossing orbits, Solar System Research (translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik), v. 29, N 1. pp. 9-20 (1995). +,,

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of small bodies to the Earth, Solar System Research (translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik), v. 29. N 4. pp. 261-286. (1995).  +,

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of bodies in the accumulation of planets, Earth, Moon, and Planets, v. 67, N 1-3, pp. 217-219 (1995). ,  , , DOI: 10.1007/BF00613304

   Ipatov, S.I., Gravitational interaction of two planetesimals moving in close orbits, Solar System Research (translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik), v. 28, N 6, pp. 494-512 (1994). - a scanned paper. +, ,

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of bodies in the accretion of planets, Solar System Research (translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik), v. 27, N 1. pp. 65-79 (1993). ,  .

   Ipatov, S.I., Evolution of asteroidal orbits at the 5:2 resonance, Icarus, v. 95, N 1. pp. 100-114 (1992),,, +, .

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration and accumulation of bodies in the forming solar system, International Applied Mechanics (translated from Prikladnaya Mekhanika), v. 28, N 11, pp. 771-774 (1992)., DOI 10.1007/BF00847313 ,  ,,GRATION_OF_BODIES_IN_THE_FORMATION_OF_THE_SOLAR_SYSTEM

   Ipatov, S.I., Numerical model of the evolution of asteroid orbits at the 2:5 resonance, Solar System Research (translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik), v. 26, N 6. pp. 520-541 (1992). +,

   Ipatov, S.I., Evolution of initially highly eccentric orbits of the growing nuclei of the giant planets, Soviet Astron. Letters (translated from Pis’ma v Astronomicheskii Zhurnal), v. 17, N 2, pp. 113-119 (1991). +,,  - starting from this webpage you can get a free file with the paper - ;- file,   - see each page separately;

   Ipatov, S.I., Planetesimal migration during the last stages of accumulation of the giant planets, Solar System Research (translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik), v. 23, N 1, pp. 16-23 (1989). +,     

   Ipatov, S.I., Evolution of the orbital eccentricities of planetesimals during formation of the giant planets, Solar System Research (translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik), v. 23, N 3, pp. 119-125 (1989). +.

   Ipatov, S.I., Variations in orbital eccentricities of asteroids near the 2:5 resonance, (translated from Pis’ma v Astronomicheskii Zhurnal), v. 15, N 4 (8), pp. 324-328 (1989). +, - starting from this webpage you can get a free file with the paper; - see each page separately,

   Ipatov, S.I., Evolution times for disks of planetesimals, Soviet Astronomy (translated from Astronomicheskii Zhurnal), v. 32 (65), N 5, pp. 560-566 (1988). +,;   - starting from this webpage you can get a free file with the paper; - see each page separately. - pdf file   

   Ipatov, S.I., The gap problem and asteroid-type resonant orbit evolution, Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies (translated from Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel), v. 4, N 4, pp. 49-57 (1988). +,

   Ipatov, S.I., Computer simulation of the possible evolution of the orbits of Pluto and bodies of the trans-Neptune belt, Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies (translated from Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel), v. 4, N 6, pp. 76-82 (1988). +.

   Ipatov, S.I., Accumulation and migration of the bodies from the zones of giant planets, Earth, Moon, and Planets, v. 39, N 2, pp. 101-128 (1987). +,  - starting from this webpage you can get a free file with the paper;  or  - see each page separately.

   Ipatov, S.I., Solid body accumulation of terrestrial planets, Solar System Research (translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik), v. 21, N 3, pp. 129-135 (1987). +,

   Ipatov, S.I., Computer modeling of the evolution of the plane rings of gravitating particles moving around the Sun, Soviet Astronomy (translated from Astronomicheskii Zhurnal), v. 25 (58), N 5, pp. 617-623 (1981). +,  - see each page separately; - pdf file.   - starting from this webpage you can get a free file with the paper.

   Ipatov, S.I., On the gravitational interaction of two planetesimals, Soviet Astronomy (translated from Astronomicheskii Zhurnal), v. 25 (58), N 3, pp. 352-357 (1981). +,  - see each page separately;  -pdf file;  - starting from this webpage you can get a free file with the paper.


journal papers with a large number of co-authors published in 2012-2015:

    Fukui, A.; Gould, A.; Sumi, T.; Bennett, D. P.; Bond, I. A.; Han, C.; Suzuki, D.; Beaulieu, J.-P.; Batista, V.; Udalski, A.; Street, R. A.; Tsapras, Y.; Hundertmark, M.; Abe, F.; Bhattacharya, A.; Freeman, M.; Itow, Y.; Ling, C. H.; Koshimoto, N.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Muraki, Y.; Ohnishi, K.; Philpott, L. C.; Rattenbury, N.; Saito, T.; Sullivan, D. J.; Tristram, P. J.; Yonehara, A.; MOA Collaboration; Choi, J.-Y.; Christie, G. W.; DePoy, D. L.; Dong, Subo; Drummond, J.; Gaudi, B. S.; Hwang, K.-H.; Kavka, A.; Lee, C.-U.; McCormick, J.; Natusch, T.; Ngan, H.; Park, H.; Pogge, R. W.; Shin, I.-G.; Tan, T.-G.; Yee, J. C.; μFUN Collaboration; Szyman´ski, M. K.; Pietrzyn´ski, G.; Soszyn´ski, I.; Poleski, R.; Kozłowski, S.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Ulaczyk, K.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; OGLE Collaboration; Bramich, D. M.; Browne, P.; Dominik, M.; Horne, K.; Ipatov, S.; Kains, N.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I. A.; RoboNet Collaboration, OGLE-2012-BLG-0563Lb: A Saturn-mass Planet around an M Dwarf with the Mass Constrained by Subaru AO Imaging, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 809, Issue 1, article id. 74, 16 pp. ( , (2015).

     Kains, N.; Arellano Ferro, A.; Figuera Jaimes, R.; Bramich, D. M.; Skottfelt, J.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Tsapras, Y.; Street, R. A.; Browne, P.; Dominik, M.; Horne, K.; Hundertmark, M.; Ipatov, S.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I. A.; Alsubai, K. A.; Bozza, V.; Calchi Novati, S.; Ciceri, S.; D'Ago, G.; Galianni, P.; Gu, S.-H.; Harpsøe, K.; Hinse, T. C.; Juncher, D.; Korhonen, H.; Mancini, L.; Popovas, A.; Rabus, M.; Rahvar, S.; Southworth, J.; Surdej, J.; Vilela, C.; Wang, X.-B.; Wertz, O., A Census of Variability in Globular Cluster M68 (NGC 4590), Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 578, id. A128, 23 pp. ( , (2015).

    Kains, N.; Arellano Ferro, A.; Figuera Jaimes, R.; Bramich, D. M.; Skottfelt, J.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Tsapras, Y.; Street, R. A.; Browne, P.; Dominik, M.; Horne, K.; Hundertmark, M.; Ipatov, S.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I. A.; Alsubai, K. A.; Bozza, V.; Calchi Novati, S.; Ciceri, S.; D'Ago, G.; Galianni, P.; Gu, S.-H.; Harpsøe, K.; Hinse, T. C.; Juncher, D.; Korhonen, H.; Mancini, L.; Popovas, A.; Rabus, M.; Rahvar, S.; Southworth, J.; Surdej, J.; Vilela, C.; Wang, X.-B.; Wertz, O., VizieR Online Data Catalog: VI light curves of NGC4590 variables (Kains+, 2015) // VizieR Online Data Catalog: J/A+A/578/A128. 2015. V. 357. Originally published in: 2015A&A...578A.128K .

     Yee, J. C.; Han, C.; Gould, A.; Skowron, J.; Bond, I. A.; Udalski, A.; Hundertmark, M.; Monard, L. A. G.; Porritt, I.; Nelson, P.; Bozza, V.; Albrow, M. D.; Choi, J.-Y.; Christie, G. W.; DePoy, D. L.; Gaudi, B. S.; Hwang, K.-H.; Jung, Y. K.; Lee, C.-U.; McCormick, J.; Natusch, T.; Ngan, H.; Park, H.; Pogge, R. W.; Shin, I.-G.; Tan, T.-G.; Abe, F.; Bennett, D. P.; Bond, I. A.; Botzler, C. S.; Freeman, M.; Fukui, A.; Fukunaga, D.; Itow, Y.; Koshimoto, N.; Larsen, P.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Muraki, Y.; Namba, S.; Ohnishi, K.; Philpott, L.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Saito, To.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sumi, T.; Sweatman, W. L.; Suzuki, D.; Tristram, P. J.; Tsurumi, N.; Wada, K.; Yamai, N.; Yock, P. C. M.; Yonehara, A.; Szymański, M. K.; Ulaczyk, K.; Kozłowski, S.; Poleski, R.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Pietrzyński, G.; Soszyński, I.; Bramich, D. M.; Browne, P.; Horne, K.; Ipatov, S.; Kains, N.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I. A.; Street, R.; Tsapras, Y., MOA-2013-BLG-220Lb: Massive planetary companion to galactic-disk host,  Astrophysical J., v. 790, no 1, article id 14, 7 pp.  ( , ) (2014).

  Tsapras, Y.; Choi, J.-Y.; Street, R. A.; Han, C.; Bozza, V.; Gould, A.; Dominik, M.; Beaulieu, J.-P.; Udalski, A.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Sumi, T.; Bramich, D. M.; Browne, P.; Horne, K.; Hundertmark, M.; Ipatov, S.; Kains, N.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I. A.; Alsubai, K. A.; Andersen, J. M.; Calchi Novati, S.; Damerdji, Y.; Diehl, C.; Elyiv, A.; Giannini, E.; Hardis, S.; Harpsøe, K.; Hinse, T. C.; Juncher, D.; Kerins, E.; Korhonen, H.; Liebig, C.; Mancini, L.; Mathiasen, M.; Penny, M. T.; Rabus, M.; Rahvar, S.; Scarpetta, G.; Skottfelt, J.; Southworth, J.; Surdej, J.; Tregloan-Reed, J.; Vilela, C.; Kozłowski, J. Wambsganss S.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Pietrzyński, G.; Poleski, R.; Skowron, J.; Soszyński, I.; Szymański, M. K.; Ulaczyk, K.; Albrow, Łukasz Wyrzykowski M. D.; Bachelet, E.; Barry, R.; Batista, V.; Bhattacharya, A.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Corrales, E.; Coutures, Ch.; Dieters, S.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Fouqué, P.; Greenhill, J.; Kane, S. R.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J.-B.; Martin, R.; Menzies, J.; Pollard, K. R.; Williams, A.; Wouters, D.; Christie, G.; DePoy, D. L.; Dong, S.; Drummond, J.; Gaudi, B. S.; Henderson, C. B.; Hwang, K. H.; Jung, Y. K.; Kavka, A.; Koo, J.-R.; Lee, C.-U.; Maoz, D.; Monard, L. A. G.; Natusch, T.; Ngan, H.; Park, H.; Pogge, R. W.; Porritt, I.; Shin, I.-G.; Shvartzvald, Y.; Tan, T. G.; Yee, J. C.; Abe, F.; Bennett, D. P.; Bond, I. A.; Botzler, C. S.; Freeman, M.; Fukui, A.; Fukunaga, D.; Itow, Y.; Koshimoto, N.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Muraki, Y.; Namba, S.; Ohnishi, K.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Saito, To.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sweatman, W. L.; Suzuki, D.; Tristram, P. J.; Tsurumi, N.; Wada, K.; Yamai, N.; Yonehara, P. C. M. Yock A. A. Super-Jupiter orbiting a late-type star: A refined analysis of microlensing event OGLE-2012-BLG-0406,

Astrophysical Journal, v. 782, issue 1, article id. 48, 9 pp., , (2014).

   Hwang, K.-H.; Choi, J.-Y.; Bond, I. A.; Sumi, T.; Han, C.; Gaudi, B. S.; Gould, A.; Bozza, V.; Beaulieu, J.-P.; Tsapras, Y.; Abe, F.; Bennett, D. P.; Botzler, C. S.; Chote, P.; Freeman, M.; Fukui, A.; Fukunaga, D.; Harris, P.; Itow, Y.; Koshimoto, N.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Muraki, Y.; Namba, S.; Ohnishi, K.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Saito, To.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sweatman, W. L.; Suzuki, D.; Tristram, P. J.; Wada, K.; Yamai, N.; Yock, P. C. M.; Yonehara, A.; de Almeida, L. Andrade; DePoy, D. L.; Dong, Subo; Jablonski, F.; Jung, Y. K.; Kavka, A.; Lee, C.-U.; Park, H.; Pogge, R. W.; Shin, I.-G.; Yee, J. C.; Albrow, M. D.; Bachelet, E.; Batista, V.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Corrales, E.; Coutures, Ch.; Dieters, S.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Fouqué, P.; Greenhill, J.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Kane, S. R.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J.-B.; Martin, R.; Meintjes, P.; Menzies, J.; Pollard, K. R.; Williams, A.; Wouters, D.; Bramich, D. M.; Dominik, M.; Horne, K.; Browne, P.; Hundertmark, M.; Ipatov, S.; Kains, N.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I. A.; Street, R. A., Interpretation of a Short-Term Anomaly in the Gravitational Microlensing Event MOA-2012-BLG-486, Astrophysical Journal, v. 778, article id. 55, 6 p, , (2013).

    Han, C.; Jung, Y. K.; Udalski, A.; Sumi, T.; Gaudi, B. S.; Gould, A.; Bennett, D. P.; Tsapras, Y.; Szymański, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzyński, G.; Soszyński, I.; Skowron, J.; Kozłowski, S.; Poleski, R.; Ulaczyk, K.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Abe, F.; Bond, I. A.; Botzler, C. S.; Chote, P.; Freeman, M.; Fukui, A.; Furusawa, K.; Harris, P.; Itow, Y.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Muraki, Y.; Ohnishi, K.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Saito, To.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sweatman, W. L.; Suzuki, D.; Tristram, P. J.; Wada, K.; Yock, P. C. M.; Batista, V.; Christie, G.; Choi, J.-Y.; DePoy, D. L.; Dong, Subo; Hwang, K.-H.; Kavka, A.; Lee, C.-U.; Monard, L. A. G.; Natusch, T.; Ngan, H.; Park, H.; Pogge, R. W.; Porritt, I.; Shin, I.-G.; Tan, T. G.; Yee, J. C.; Alsubai, K. A.; Bozza, V.; Bramich, D. M.; Browne, P.; Dominik, M.; Horne, K.; Hundertmark, M.; Ipatov, S.; Kains, N.; Liebig, C.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I. A.; Street, R. A., Microlensing discovery of a tight, low mass-ratio planetary-mass object around an old, field brown dwarf, Astrophysical Journal, vol. 778, issue 1, article id. 38, 6 pp. ( , 6 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables)  (2013).

    Kains, N.; Street, R.; Choi, J.-Y.; Han, C.; Udalski, A.; Almeida, L. A.; Jablonski, F.; Tristram, P.; Jorgensen, U. G.; Szymanski, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzynski, G.; Soszynski, I.; Poleski, R.; Kozlowski, S.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Ulaczyk, K.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Skowron, J.; Alsubai, K. A.; Bozza, V.; Browne, P.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Calchi Novati, S.; Dodds, P.; Dominik, M.; Dreizler, S.; Fang, X.-S.; Grundahl, F.; Gu, C.-H.; Hardis, S.; Harpsoe, K.; Hessman, F. V.; Hinse, T. C.; Hornstrup, A.; Hundertmark, M.; Jessen-Hansen, J.; Kerins, E.; Liebig, C.; Lund, M.; Lundkvist, M.; Mancini, L.; Mathiasen, M.; Penny, M. T.; Rahvar, S.; Ricci, D.; Sahu, K. C.; Scarpetta, G.; Skottfelt, J.; Snodgrass, C.; Southworth, J.; Surdej, J.; Tregloan-Reed, J.; Wambsganss, J.; Wertz, O.; Bajek, D.; Bramich, D. M.; Horne, K.; Ipatov, S.; Steele, I. A.; Tsapras, Y.; Abe, F.; Bennett, D. P.; Bond, I. A.; Botzler, C. S.; Chote, P.; Freeman, M.; Fukui, A.; Furusawa, K.; Itow, Y.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Muraki, Y.; Ohnishi, K.; Rattenbury, N.; Saito, T.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sumi, T.; Suzuki, D.; Suzuki, K.; Sweatman, W. L.; Takino, S.; Wada, K.; Yock, P. C. M.; Allen, W.; Batista, V.; Chung, S.-J.; Christie, G.; DePoy, D. L.; Drummond, J.; Gaudi, B. S.; Gould, A.; Henderson, C.; Jung, Y.-K.; Koo, J.-R.; Lee, C.-U.; McCormick, J.; McGregor, D.; Munoz, J. A.; Natusch, T.; Ngan, H.; Park, H.; Pogge, R. W.; Shin, I.-G.; Yee, J.; Albrow, M. D.; Bachelet, E.; Beaulieu, J.-P.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Corrales, E.; Coutures, Ch.; Dieters, S.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Fouque, P.; Greenhill, J.; Kane, S. R.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J.-B.; Martin, R.; Meintjes, P.; Menzies, J.; Pollard, K. R.; Williams, A.; Wouters, D.; Zub, M., A Giant planet beyond the snow line in microlensing event OGLE-2011-BLG-0251, Astron. & Astrophys., Volume 552, id. A70, 10 pp ( , 12 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, ) (2013).

   Street, R. A.; Choi, J.-Y.; Tsapras, Y.; Han, C.; Furusawa, K.; Hundertmark, M.; Gould, A.; Sumi, T.; Bond, I. A.; Wouters, D.; Zellem, R.; Udalski, A.; RoboNet Collaboration; Snodgrass, C.; Horne, K.; Dominik, M.; Browne, P.; Kains, N.; Bramich, D. M.; Bajek, D.; Steele, I. A.; Ipatov, S.; MOA Collaboration; Abe, F.; Bennett, D. P.; Botzler, C. S.; Chote, P.; Freeman, M.; Fukui, A.; Harris, P.; Itow, Y.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Muraki, Y.; Nagayama, T.; Nishimaya, S.; Ohnishi, K.; Rattenbury, N.; Saito, To.; Sullivan, D. J.; Suzuki, D.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Wada, K.; Yock, P. C. M.; OGLE Collaboration; Szymański, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzyński, G.; Soszyński, I.; Poleski, R.; Ulaczyk, K.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; μFUN Collaboration; Yee, J.; Dong, S.; Shin, I.-G.; Lee, C.-U.; Skowron, J.; De Almeida, L. Andrade; DePoy, D. L.; Gaudi, B. S.; Hung, L.-W.; Jablonski, F.; Kaspi, S.; Klein, N.; Hwang, K.-H.; Koo, J.-R.; Maoz, D.; Muñoz, J. A.; Pogge, R. W.; Polishhook, D.; Shporer, A.; McCormick, J.; Christie, G.; Natusch, T.; Allen, B.; Drummond, J.; Moorhouse, D.; Thornley, G.; Knowler, M.; Bos, M.; Bolt, G.; PLANET Collaboration; Beaulieu, J.-P.; Albrow, M. D.; Batista, V.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Corrales, E.; Coutures, Ch.; Dieters, S.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Fouqué, P.; Bachelet, E.; Greenhill, J.; Kane, S. R.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J.-B.; Martin, R.; Menzies, J.; Pollard, K. R.; Sahu, K. C.; Wambsganss, J.; Williams, A.; Zub, M.; MiNDSTEp; Alsubai, K. A.; Bozza, V.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Calchi Novati, S.; Dodds, P.; Dreizler, S.; Finet, F.; Gerner, T.; Hardis, S.; Harpsøe, K.; Hessman, F.; Hinse, T. C.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Kerins, E.; Liebig, C.; Mancini, L.; Mathiasen, M.; Penny, M. T.; Proft, S.; Rahvar, S.; Ricci, D.; Scarpetta, G.; Schäfer, S.; Schönebeck, F.; Southworth, J.; Surdej, J., MOA-2010-BLG-073L: An M-dwarf with a substellar companion at the planet/brown dwarf boundary, Astrophysical J., vol. 763, Issue 1, article id. 67, 13 pp. (, ) (2013).

   Shin, I.-G.; Han, C.; Gould, A.; Udalski, A.; Sumi, T.; Dominik, M.; Beaulieu, J.-P.; Tsapras, Y.; Bozza, V.; Szymański, M. K.; Kubiak, M.;Soszyński, I.; Pietrzyński, G.; Poleski, R.; Ulaczyk, K.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Kozłowski, S.; Skowron, J.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; OGLE Collaboration; Abe, F.; Bennett, D. P.; Bond, I. A.; Botzler, C. S.; Freeman, M.; Fukui, A.; Furusawa, K.; Hayashi, F.; Hearnshaw, J. B.; Hosaka, S.; Itow, Y.; Kamiya, K.;Kilmartin, P. M.; Kobara, S.; Korpela, A.; Lin, W.; Ling, C. H.; Makita, S.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Muraki, Y.; Nagaya, M.;Nishimoto, K.; Ohnishi, K.; Okumura, T.; Omori, K.; Perrott, Y. C.; Rattenbury, N.; Saito, To.; Skuljan, L.; Sullivan, D. J.; Suzuki, D.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Wada, K.; Yock, P. C. M.; MOA Collaboration; Christie, G. W.; Depoy, D. L.; Dong, S.; Gal-Yam, A.; Gaudi, B. S.; Hung, L.-W.; Janczak, J.; Kaspi, S.; Maoz, D.; McCormick, J.; McGregor, D.; Moorhouse, D.; Muñoz, J. A.; Natusch, T.; Nelson, C.; Pogge, R. W.;Tan, T.-G.; Polishook, D.; Shvartzvald, Y.; Shporer, A.; Thornley, G.; Malamud, U.; Yee, J. C.; Choi, J.-Y.; Jung, Y.-K.; Park, H.; Lee, C.-U.; Park, B.-G.; Koo, J.-R.; μFUN Collaboration; Bajek, D.; Bramich, D. M.; Browne, P.; Horne, K.; Ipatov, S.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I.; Street, R.;Alsubai, K. A.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Calchi Novati, S.; Dodds, P.; Dreizler, S.; Fang, X.-S.; Grundahl, F.; Gu, C.-H.; Hardis, S.; Harpsøe, K.; Hinse, T. C.; Hundertmark, M.; Jessen-Hansen, J.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Kains, N.; Kerins, E.; Liebig, C.; Lund, M.; Lundkvist, M.; Mancini, L.; Mathiasen, M.;Hornstrup, A.; Penny, M. T.; Proft, S.; Rahvar, S.; Ricci, D.; Scarpetta, G.; Skottfelt, J.; Southworth, J.; Surdej, J.; Tregloan-Reed, J.; Wertz, O.; Zimmer, F.; Albrow, M. D.; Batista, V.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Calitz, J. J.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Cook, K. H.; Corrales, E.; Coutures, Ch.;Dieters, S.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Fouqué, P.; Greenhill, J.; Hill, K.; Hoffman, M.; Kane, S. R.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J.-B.; Martin, R.;Meintjes, P.; Menzies, J.; Pollard, K. R.; Sahu, K. C.; Wambsganss, J.; Williams, A.; Vinter, C.; Zub, M., Microlensing binaries with candidate brown dwarf companions, Astrophysical J., vol. 760, Issue 2, article id. 116, 10 pp. ( , ) (2012).


refereed journal papers (only in Russian):

   Ipatov S.I. Contribution of T.M. Eneev to planetary cosmogony" // Zemlya i Vselennaya (the Earth and Universe). 2024, Т 5, in press.

   Ipatov S.I. The Moon is moving from the Earth. About the new model of the formation of the Moon // the cultural and educational journal "Delphis" ( ).

   Ipatov S.I. T.M. Eneev as a scientific leader and a person // to be published in Znanie – sila or  in "Delphis".

   Ipatov S.I. September 23, 2024 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Timur Magometovich Eneev // 2024. On the website of the journal "Science and Life" .

    Ipatov S.I. Collisions of planetesimals from different parts of the feeding zone the terrestrial planets with the forming planets and the Moon embryo // INASAN Science Reports, 2020, v. 5, N 3, p. 97-99. DOI: 10.26087/INASAN.2020.5.3.004. .

    Marov M.Ya., Ipatov S.I. Migration of planetesimals from the feeding zone of the giant planets to the terrestrial planets and the Moon // INASAN Science Reports, 2020, v. 5, N 3, p. 94-96. DOI: 10.26087/INASAN.2020.5.3.003.

   Ipatov S.I., Feoktistova E.A., Svetsov V.V. Estimates of variations in the number of near-Earth objects based on the ages of lunar craters over the past billion years // INASAN Science Reports, 2020, v. 5, N 3, p. 100-102. DOI: 10.26087/INASAN.2020.5.3.005.

   Ipatov S.I., Elenin L.V. Models of the probabilities of discovery of near-Earth objects in different regions of the sky. Ecological bulletin of research centers of the black sea economic cooperation. 2017, №4, issue 3. p. 69-75. ,   .   – a whole paper in Russian.

   Ipatov, A.I., Gorodnov, A.V., Ipatov, S.I., Mar’enko, N.N., Petrov, L.P., Skopincev, S.P., Investigations of amplitude-frequency spectrum of acoustic and electromagnetic signal noise at filtration of fluids in rocks, Geofizika (Geophysics, the journal of Euro-Asian geophysical society), 2004, N 2, 25-30. - resume of the paper in Russian.

   Ipatov, S.I., Methods of choosing the pairs of contacting bodies for investigations of the evolution of discrete systems with binary interactions, Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie (Mathematical Modeling), v. 5, N 1, pp. 35-59 (1993).  +. or  - English abstract.

   Ipatov, S.I., The origin of one of Kirkwood gaps, Zemlya i Vselennaya (Earth and Universe), N 1, pp. 86-88 (1991).


Book (only in Russian):

      Ipatov, S.I., Migration of celestial bodies in the solar system, Editorial URSS Publishing Company, Moscow, 320 P. (2000). DOI 10.17513/np.451. ISBN 5-8360-0137-5. ISBN 978-5-9710-8379-5. stereotyped edition (2021). ,  - it is possible to download the whole book as pdf file, , - it is possible to download the whole book as pdf file.  – to buy the book  - it is possible to read page by page (but not to copy) the book from this web site.  - it is possible to download the whole book as a .djvu file (15.9 mbt).  - it is possible to read any page by its number.

There are several sites (e.g., where it is possible to get the file after registration.  - a file with the book in Russian


                                Chapter in a book (in Russian)

   Ipatov S.I. Chapter 2. Formation of the Earth — Moon system. pp. 34-84.

In the monograph: Marov M.Ya., Voropaev S.A., Ipatov S.I., Badiukov D.D., Slyuta E.N., Stennikov A.V., Fedulov V.S., Dushenko N.V., Sorokin E.M., Kronrod E.V. "The formation of the Moon and the early evolution of the Earth." URSS 2019. 320 p. ISBN 978-5-9710-7283-6.


papers in refereed proceedings and books (in English) :

   Ipatov S.I. Exchange of meteorites between the terrestrial planets and the Moon // Modern astronomy: from the Early Universe to exoplanets and black holes. 2024. P. 904-909. DOI: 10.26119/VAK2024.143 URL: . . .

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of planetesimals and dust particles in the Proxima Centauri exoplanetary system // Modern astronomy: from the Early Universe to exoplanets and black holes. 2024. P. 845-851. DOI: 10.26119/VAK2024.134 URL: . . .

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of planetesimals in the TRAPPIST-1 exoplanetary system // Modern astronomy: from the Early Universe to exoplanets and black holes. 2024. P. 852-855. DOI: 10.26119/VAK2024.135 URL: . . .  

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of bodies in the Proxima Centauri and Trappist 1 planetary systems // Proc. IAU Symposium 393 “Planetary Science and Exoplanets in the Era of the James Webb Space Telescope” (August 13-15, 2024, Cape Town, South Africa). 5 pages,, in press.

      Ipatov S.I. Migration of bodies ejected from the Earth and the Moon // Proc. IAU Symposium 393 “Planetary Science and Exoplanets in the Era of the James Webb Space Telescope” (August 13-15, 2024, Cape Town, South Africa). 5 pages,, in press.

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of bodies to the Earth from different distances from the Sun// Proc. IAU Symp. No. 374 “Astronomical Hazards for Life on Earth”, ed. by Tancredi, G. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Vol. ??. Symposium S374, Cambridge University Press, 2024, ??, , in press.

    Dorofeeva V.A., Dunaeva A.N., Ipatov S.I., Kronrod V.A., Kronrod E.V., Kuskov O.L., Marov M.Ya., Rusol A.V. Studies of the problems of planetary cosmogony, geochemistry and cosmochemistry by methods of mathematical modeling // Advances in Geochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, and Planetary Sciences: 75th Anniversary of the Vernadsky Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Ed. by V.P. Kolotov and N.S. Bezaeva. Springer. Cham. 2023. P. 263-295. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-09883-3_14. . – pdf file with the paper. , - a whole book

   Ipatov S.I. Formation of the terrestrial planets and the Moon // Astronomy at the epoch of multimessenger studies. Proceedings of the VAK-2021 conference (Aug 23–28, 2021). Ed. by A.M. Cherepashchuk et al. — Moscow, Janus-K. 2022. P. 236-237. DOI: 10.51194/VAK2021.2022.1.1.083 . ,  .

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of planetesimals to planets located in habitable zones in the Solar System and in the Proxima Centauri system. // Astronomy at the epoch of multimessenger studies. Proceedings of the VAK-2021 conference (Aug 23–28, 2021). Ed. by A.M. Cherepashchuk et al. — Moscow, Janus-K. 2022. P. 238-239. DOI: 10.51194/VAK2021.2022.1.1.084 .  . .

   Marov M.Ya., Ipatov S.I. Water inventory from beyond the Jupiter orbit to the terrestrial planets and the Moon // Proc. IAU Symp. No. 345 “Origins: from the Protosun to the First Steps of Life”, ed. by Bruce G. Elmegreen, L. Viktor Tóth, Manuel Gudel, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Vol. 14. Symposium S345, Cambridge University Press, 2020, p. 164-167. doi:10.1017/S1743921319001479;'s_orbit_to_the_terrestrial_planets_and_the_Moon ,

   Ipatov S.I. Formation of the Earth-Moon system // Proc. IAU Symp. No. 345 “Origins: from the Protosun to the First Steps of Life”, ed. by Bruce G. Elmegreen, L. Viktor Tóth, Manuel Gudel, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Vol. 14. Symposium S345, Cambridge University Press, 2020, 148-151. doi:10.1017/S1743921319001455 , ,

   Ipatov S.I., Feoktistova E.A., Svetsov V.V. Near-Earth object population and formation of lunar craters during the last billion of years // Proc. IAU Symp. No. 345 “Origins: from the Protosun to the First Steps of Life”, ed. by Bruce G. Elmegreen, L. Viktor Tóth, Manuel Gudel, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Vol. 14. Symposium S345, Cambridge University Press, 2020, 299-300. doi:10.1017/S1743921319001467   ,    

    Ipatov, S.I., The Earth-Moon system as a typical binary in the Solar System, “SPACEKAZAN-IAPS-2015”, ed. by. M.Ya. Marov, Kazan, Publishing house of Kazan University, pp. 97-105.  (2015). The International Space Forum “SPACEKAZAN-IAPS-2015” has been held on June 1-7, 2015 in Kazan, Russia.

   Ipatov, S.I., Location of the upper border of the cavity excavated after the Deep Impact collision, Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 16, XXVIIIth IAU General Assembly, August 2012, ed. Editor-in-Chief: Thierry Montmerle, Publisher: Cambridge University Press, p. 157 (2015).

   Ipatov, S.I., Angular momenta of collided rarefied preplanetesimals, Proc. IAU Symp. No. 293 “Formation, detection, and characterization of extrasolar habitable planets”, ed. by Nader Haghighipour, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, vol. 8, Symposium S293, Cambridge University Press. DOI:            10.1017/S1743921313013008, pp. 285-288,  (2014) 

   Ipatov, S.I., Horne, K., Alsubai, K., Bramich, D., Dominik, M., Hundertmark, M., Liebig, C., Snodgrass, C., Street, R., Tsapras, Y., “Simulator for Microlens Planet Surveys”, Proc. IAU Symp. No. 293 “Formation, detection, and characterization of extrasolar habitable planets”, ed. by Nader Haghighipour, Cambridge University Press. DOI:, pp. 416-419, , , ,   (2014)

   Ipatov, S.I. Cavities as a source of outbursts from comets (chapter 3), In “Comets: Characteristics, Composition and Orbits”, ed. by Peter G. Melark, Nova Science Publishers, ISBN 978-1-61324-658-0, pp. 101-112, , ,  (2012).

   Ipatov, S.I. Collision probabilities of migrating small bodies and dust particles with planets, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, IAU vol. 5, Symposium S263, "Icy bodies in the Solar System" (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-7 August, 2009), ed. by J.A. Fernandez, D. Lazzaro, D. Prialnik, R. Schulz, Cambridge University Press, pp. 41-44 (2010). ,  ; ,

   Ipatov, S.I. and A'Hearn, M.F., Deep Impact ejection from Comet 9P/Tempel 1 as a triggered outburst, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, IAU vol. 5, Symposium S263, "Icy bodies in the Solar System" (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-7 August, 2009), ed. by J.A. Fernandez, D. Lazzaro, D. Prialnik, R. Schulz, Cambridge University Press, pp. 317-321. (2010)., , , .

   Ipatov, S.I. Angular momentum of two collided rarefied preplanetesimals and formation of binaries, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, IAU vol. 5, Symposium S263, "Icy bodies in the Solar System" (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-7 August, 2009), ed. by J.A. Fernandez, D. Lazzaro, D. Prialnik, R. Schulz, Cambridge University Press, pp. 37-40 (2010). , , .

   Ipatov, S.I. Formation of small-body binaries at the stage of rarefied preplanetesimals, Proceedings of the conference “Near-Earth astronomy - 2009” (Kazan, Russia, 23-27 August, 2009). Moscow: GEOS. Ed. by L.V. Rykhlova, V.V. Emelyanenko, E.S. Bakanas. pp. 203-208. (2010)

   Asantha Cooray, Alexandre Amblard, Charles Beichman, Dominic Benford, Rebecca Bernstein, James J. Bock, Mark Brodwin, Volker Bromm, Renyue Cen, Ranga R. Chary, Mark Devlin, Timothy Dolch, Herv´e Dole, Eli Dwek, David Elbaz, Michael Fall, Giovanni Fazio13, Henry C. Ferguson, Steven Furlanetto, Jonathan P. Gardner, Mauro Giavalisco, Rudy Gilmore, Nickolay Gnedin, Anthony Gonzalez, Zoltan Haiman, Michael Hauser, Jiasheng Huang, Sergei Ipatov, Alexander Kashlinsky, Brian Keating, Thomas Kelsall, Eiichiro Komatsu, Louis R. Levenson, Avi Loeb, Piero Madau, John C. Mather, Toshio Matsumoto, Shuji Matsuura, Kalevi Mattila, Harvey Moseley, Leonidas A. Moustakas, S. Peng Oh, Larry Petro, Joel Primack, William Reach, Tom Renbarger, Paul Shapiro, Daniel Stern, Ian Sullivan, Aparna Venkatesan, Michael Werner, Rogier Windhorst, Edward L. Wright, Michael Zemcov, A New Era in Extragalactic Background Light Measurements: The Cosmic History of Accretion, Nucleosynthesis and Reionization, the science white paper for the US Astro2010-2020 Decadal Survey Committee. (also on

   Ipatov, S.I., Sources of zodiacal dust, Proceedings of the conference “Near-Earth astronomy-2007” (Terskol, Russia, 3-7 September 2007), ed. by L.V. Rykhlova & V.K. Tarady, Nalchik, p. 132-138 (2008). ( , ).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of comets to the terrestrial planets, Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No. 236 “Near-Earth Objects, Our Celestial Neighbors: Opportunity and Risk” (14-18 August 2006, Prague, Czech Republic), ed. by A. Milani, G.B. Valsecchi, & D. Vokrouhlický, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, pp. 55-64 (2007).

DOI: 10.1017/S1743921307003067 , , or ; initial version on .

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of dust particles to the terrestrial planets, Proceedings of the workshop “Dust in Planetary Systems” (September 26-30, 2005, Kaua'i, Hawaii, USA), ed. by H. Krüger and A. Graps, ESA Publications, SP-643, p. 91-94 (2007).

(  - abstracts), or ; initial version on .

   Madsen, G.J., Reynolds, R.J., Ipatov, S.I., Kutyrev, A., Mather, J.C., Moseley, S.H., New observations and models of the kinematics of the zodiacal dust cloud, Proceedings of the workshop “Dust in Planetary Systems” (September 26-30, 2005, Kaua'i, Hawaii, USA), ed. by H. Krüger and A. Graps, ESA Publications, SP-643, p. 61-64 (2007).

 Initial version on .

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of small bodies and dust to the terrestrial planets, Proc. of  the IAU Colloq. N 197 “Dynamics of populations of planetary systems” (Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 31 August – 4 September, 2004), ed. by Z. Knezevic and A. Milani,  399-404 (2005) ( or or  ).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of celestial bodies in the Solar system. “Planetary Systems in the Universe: Observation, Formation and Evolution” (Proc. of IAU Symposium N 202, August 7-10, 2000, Manchester, UK), Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, IAU Symposium Volumes, ed. by A. Penny, P. Artymowicz, A.-M. Lagrange, and S. Russell, 190-192. (2004)  ,

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation and migration of trans-Neptunian objects, Proc. of the 14th Annual Astrophysics Conference in Maryland “The Search for Other Worlds” (October 13-14, 2003, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA), ed. by S.S. Holt and D. Deming, American Institute of Physics, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 713, 277-280, 2004 (   OR  )   

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation and migration of trans-Neptunian objects, Proceedings of the Second TPF/Darwin International Conference (San Diego, CA, July 26-29, 2004), 2004, poster 045,

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of Tunguska-type objects from the trans-Neptunian belt to the Earth, Proc. of the Third International Aerospace Congress (August 23-27, 2000, Moscow), (both Russian and English texts) (2003).

   Ipatov S.I., Formation and migration of trans-Neptunian objects. Proc. of international conference «Scientific Frontiers in Research of Extrasolar Planets» (18-21 June 2002, Washington D.C., USA), D. Deming and S. Seager, eds., ASP Conference Series, ASP Conference Series, v. 294, pp. 349-353 ( ,  ) (2003).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of Jupiter-family comets and resonant asteroids to near-Earth space, Proc. of the international conference “New trends in astrodynamics and applications” (20-22 January 2003, University of Maryland, College Park), CD-ROM ( ) (2003).

   Ipatov, S.I., Mather, J.C., and Taylor, P.A., Migration of asteroidal dust particles, Proc. of the international conference “New trends in astrodynamics and applications” (20-22 January 2003, University of Maryland, College Park), CD-ROM (  ) (2003).

   Marov, M. Ya. and Ipatov, S.I., Migration processes and volatiles delivery, Proc. of the 213th IAU Symposium “Bioastronomy 2002: Life among the stars” (8-12 July 2002, Great Barrier Reef, Australia). Edited by R. Norris, and F. Stootman. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 295-298 (2003). .

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of comets to near-Earth space, Proc. of the Joint International Scientific Conference "New Geometry of Nature: Mathematics, Mechanics, Geophysics, Astronomy & Biology" (August 25 – September 5, 2003, the Kazan University, Kazan, Russia), V. 3 “Astronomy”, Kazan University, pp. 94-101 (2003).

   Ipatov, S.I. Migration of trans-Neptunian objects to the terrestrial planets, Proc. of the international conference “Near-Earth Astronomy – 2003” (NEA-2003) (8-13 September, 2003, Terskol, Russia), vol. 1, Saint-Petersburg, Institute of chemistry, 87-94 (2003)

   Ipatov, S.I. Migration of interplanetary dust, Proc. of the international conference “Near-Earth Astronomy – 2003” (NEA-2003) (8-13 September, 2003, Terskol, Russia), vol. 1, Saint-Petersburg, Institute of chemistry, 81-86 (2003).

    Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of trans-Neptunian objects to the terrestrial planets, in EKO [Proceedings of the international scientific workshop on the "First Decadal Review of the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt - Towards New Frontiers" (11-14 March 2003, Antofagasta, Chile)], Kluwer, reprinted from Earth, Moon, and Planets. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-3321-2_8, , ,

  Ipatov, S.I., Migration of matter from the Edgeworth-Kuiper and main asteroid belts to the Earth. Proceedings of the IAU Colloquium No 181 and COSPAR Colloquium No. 11 "Dust in the solar system and other planetary systems" (April 10-14, 2000, Canterbury, UK), ed. by S.F. Green, I.P. Williams, J.A.M. McDonnell and N. McBride, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Pergamon, V. 15, pp. 233-236 ( ) (2002).

   Ipatov, S.I., Evolution of the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt. Highlights of astronomy JD4 ASP (Proceedings of JD-4 of IAU General Assembly, August 7-18, 2000, Manchester, UK), ed. H. Rickman, IAU Symp. V. 12, pp. 247-248 (2002).

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation and migration of trans-Neptunian objects and asteroids. Proceedings of the conference “Asteroids, comets, meteors, 2002” (July 29 - August 2, 2002, Berlin), ed. by B. Warmbein. SP-500, European Space Agency, pp. 371-374 (,  ; ; ) (2002).

   Marov, M. Ya. and Ipatov, S.I., Volatile inventory and early evolution of planetary atmospheres, Collisional processes in the solar system, eds. M. Ya. Marov and H. Rickman, Astrophysics and space science library, Vol. 261, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 223-247 (2001).

   Ipatov, S.I., and Ozernoy, L.M., Formation and evolution of the trans-Neptunian belt and dust, Proc. of International Conference "Kazan Astronomy 2001" (September 24-29, 2001, Kazan, Russia), pp. 137-142 (   OR )  (2001).

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation of trans-Neptunian objects and their migration to the Earth. Proc. of the international conference "Comets, asteroids, meteors, meteorites, astroblems, craters" "CAMMAC-99" (September 26 - October 1, 1999, Vinnitsa, Ukraine), pp. 41-46 (2000).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of trans-Neptunian objects to the Earth, Proc. of the IAU Colloquium 172 "The impact of modern dynamics in astronomy" (July 6-11, 1998, Namur, Belgium), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, Ed. by J. Henrard and S. Ferraz-Mello, pp. 107-116 (1999).  ,  ; DOI: 10.1007/978-94-011-4527-5_11 ,

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of celestial bodies in the forming solar system, Proc. of 9th Rencontres de Blois (June 22-28, 1997) "Planetary systems: the long view", Editions Frontieres, Gif. sur Yvette Cedex, Ed. by L.M. Celnikier and J. Tran Thanh Van, pp. 93-94 (1998).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of Kuiper-belt objects inside the solar system, Proc. of 9th Rencontres de Blois (June 22-28, 1997) "Planetary systems: the long view", Editions Frontieres, Gif. sur Yvette Cedex, Ed. by L.M. Celnikier and J. Tran Thanh Van, pp. 157-160 (1998).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Hahn, G.J., Orbital evolution of the objects P/1996 R2 and P/1996 N2, Proc. of 9th Rencontres de Blois (June 22-28, 1997) "Planetary systems: the long view", Editions Frontieres, Gif. sur Yvette Cedex, Ed. by L.M. Celnikier and J. Tran Thanh Van, pp. 179-180 (1998).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of small bodies in the Solar system, Worlds in interaction: Small bodies and planets of the Solar System. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht/Boston/London. (Proc. of the Meeting "Small bodies in the Solar System and their interactions with the planets" held in Mariehamn, Finland, August 8-12, 1994). Ed. by H. Rickman and M.J. Valtonen, pp. 211-214 (1996).

  Ipatov, S.I., Evolution times for disks of planetesimals, "The origin of the Solar System: Soviet Research 1925-1991". Ed. by A.E. Levin and S.G. Brush. American Inst. of Physics Press, through Oxford University Press. pp. 243-249 (1995).

   Ipatov, S.I., Asteroid-type orbit evolution near the 5:2 resonance, Proc. Intern. Conference "Asteroids, comets, meteors 1991" (June 24-28, 1991, Flagstaff). Ed. by A. Harris and E. Bowell, pp. 245-248 (1992) or ;  - starting from this webpage you can get a free file with the paper; - see each page separately.

   Ipatov, S.I., Computer modelling of the process of solar system formation, Proc. Intern. IMACS Conference on Mathematical modelling and applied mathematics (June 18-23, 1990, Moscow). Ed. by A.A. Samarskii and M.P. Sapagovas. Elsevier. Amsterdam, pp. 245-252 (1992). ,


                             3-4 page papers of Moscow Solar System Symposium

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of bodies ejected from Mars. The Fifteenth Moscow Solar System Symposium (15M-S3). Moscow, Russia. October 21- 25, 2024. 15MS3-SB-06. P. 236-238., an oral presentation. – conference program. - my presentation was on October 24 at 12-12=10 of Moscow time (between 2 h 9 min and 2 h 20 min of record).

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of planetesimals in the TRAPPIST-1 and GLISSE 581 exoplanetary systems. The Fifteenth Moscow Solar System Symposium (15M-S3). Moscow, Russia. October 21- 25, 2024., an oral presentation. - программа конференции. . 15MS3-EP-01.   p. 320-322. - my presentation was on October 25 at 10-10=20 of Moscow time (between 11 min and 29 min of record).

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of bodies ejected from the Earth and the Moon // Fourteenth Moscow Solar System Symposium (14M-S3) (October 9-13, 2023, Moscow, the Space Research Institute), ISBN: 978-5-00015-061-0. DOI: 10.21046/14MS3-2023. P. 274-276. An oral presentation.

   Ipatov S.I. Mixing of planetesimals in the Glisse 581 planetary system // Fourteenth Moscow Solar System Symposium (14M-S3) (October 9-13, 2023, Moscow, the Space Research Institute), ISBN: 978-5-00015-061-0. DOI: 10.21046/14MS3-2023. P. 333-335. An oral presentation. - conference program.

   Ipatov S.I. Probabilities of collisions of bodies ejected from the Earth with the terrestrial planets and the Moon // Thirteenth Moscow Solar System Symposium (13M-S3) (October 10-14, 2022, Moscow, the Space Research Institute). ISBN: 978-5-00015-057-3. DOI: 10.21046/13MS3-2022. 2022. 13MS3-SB-11. P. 264-266. . - An oral presentation.

   Ipatov S.I. Mixing of planetesimals in the TRAPPIST-1 exoplanetary system // Thirteenth Moscow Solar System Symposium (13M-S3) (October 10-14, 2022, Moscow, the Space Research Institute). 2022. 13MS3-EP-PS-02.  P. 378-380. URL: . ISBN: 978-5-00015-057-3. DOI: 10.21046/13MS3-2022. - A poster.

   Ipatov S.I. Scattering of planetesimals from the feeding zone of Proxima Centauri c // Thirteenth Moscow Solar System Symposium (13M-S3) (October 10-14, 2022, Moscow, the Space Research Institute). 2022. 13MS3-EP-08. P. 372-374. URL: . ISBN: 978-5-00015-057-3. DOI: 10.21046/13MS3-2022. An oral presentation.

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of bodies in the Proxima Centauri planetary system. 12th Moscow International Solar System Symposium, 11-15 October 2021, IKI, Moscow, Russia, , 12MS3-EP-11, p. 199-201, 3 pages. An oral presentation.

    Ipatov S.I., Marov M.Ya. Collisions of planetesimals with the Earth and the Moon,  12th Moscow International Solar System Symposium, 11-15 October 2021, IKI, Moscow, Russia, , 12MS3-SB-11, p. 293-295, 3 pages. An oral presentation.

   Ipatov S.I., Feoktistova E.A., Svetsov V.V. Estimates of the number of near-Earth objects based on the number of lunar craters formed during the last billion years. 11th Moscow International Solar System Symposium, 5-9 October 2020, IKI, Moscow, Russia, 11MS3-MN-PS-06, (p. 206-208, ), (p. 191-193, a hard copy), (p. 211-213, 3 pages, (DOI: 0.21046/11MS3-2020 – for a whole book), a poster.  - day3 of the conference, my presentation was at the end (without sounds)

   Marov M.Ya., Ipatov S.I. Migration of planetesimals to the Earth from the zone of the outer asteroid belt. 11th Moscow International Solar System Symposium, 5-9 October 2020, IKI, Moscow, Russia, 11MS3-SM-11, (p. 277-279, ), (p. 262-264, a hard copy), 3 pages, (p. 282-284, ) (DOI: 0.21046/11MS3-2020 – for a whole book), an oral presentation. - day 4 of the conference, my presentation from 4h34 to 4h47   

   Ipatov S. I. Probabilities of collisions of exoplanetesimals with exoplanets in the Proxima Centauri planetary system. 11th Moscow International Solar System Symposium, 5-9 October 2020, IKI, Moscow, Russia, 11MS3-EP-14, (p. 353-355, ), (p. 338-340, a hard copy), (p. 358-360, ), (DOI: 0.21046/11MS3-2020 – for a whole book), 3 pages, an oral presentation.  - day 5 of the conference, my presentation from 3h 34 to 3.42 with questions.

   Feoktistova E. A., Ipatov S. I. Depths of the lunar Copernicans сraters located on lunar maria and highlands. 11th Moscow International Solar System Symposium, 5-9 October 2020, IKI, Moscow, Russia, 11MS3-MN-PS-09, (p. 214-216, ), (p. 199-201, a hard copy), (p. 211-219,,

 (DOI: 0.21046/11MS3-2020 – for a whole book), 3 pages, a poster.

   Ipatov S.I., Probabilities of collisions of planetesimals from different parts of the feeding zone of the terrestrial planets with the forming planets, the Moon, and their embryos. The Tenth Moscow Solar System Symposium 10M-S3 (Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 7-11, 2019). # 10MS3-SB-04, Vol. 1, p. 177-179, 3 стр. ISBN-978-5-00015-028-3  , p. 195-197.

an oral presentation.

   Marov M.Ya., Ipatov S.I., Migration of planetesimals from different distances outside Mars’ orbit to the terrestrial planets and the Moon. The Tenth Moscow Solar System Symposium 10M-S3 (Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 7-11, 2019).,  # 10MS3-SB-02, 3 стр. Vol. 1, p. 171-173, ISBN-978-5-00015-028-3.  , p. 189-191.

an oral presentation.

   Ipatov S.I., Angular momenta of colliding rarefied condensations and formation of the Earth-Moon system. The Tenth Moscow Solar System Symposium 10M-S3 (Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 7-11, 2019). # 10MS3-PS-56, 3 стр., vol. 2, p. 126-128. ISBN-978-5-00015-028-3. a poster presentation.  , p. 386-388.

   Busarev V.V., Ipatov S.I., Estimation of the fraction of ice material delivered to the Main asteroid belt in the early Solar system. The Tenth Moscow Solar System Symposium 10M-S3 (Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 7-11, 2019). # 10MS3-PS-75, 2019. Vol. 2, p. 176-178, 3 стр., ISBN-978-5-00015-028-3 . a poster presentation. , p. 436-438. , ,

  Ipatov S.I., Migration of bodies to the Earth and the Moon from different distances from the Sun. The Ninth Moscow Solar System Symposium 9M-S3 (Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 8-12, 2018). , # 9MS3-SB-11, p. 104-106, an oral presentation. ISBN 978-5-00015-008-5 . ,

   Ipatov S.I., Migration of interplanetary dust particles to the Earth and the Moon. The Ninth Moscow Solar System Symposium 9M-S3 (Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 8-12, 2018)., # 9MS3-DP-01, p. 144-146, 3 pages, an oral presentation, ISBN 978-5-00015-008-5. . ,

   Ipatov S.I., Feoktistova E.A., Svetsov V.V.. Variation of near-Earth object population based on analysis of diameters of lunar craters. The Ninth Moscow Solar System Symposium 9M-S3 (Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 8-12, 2018). , 9MS3-PS-77. P. 349-351, 3 pages, a poster. ISBN 978-5-00015-008-5. .

    Busarev V.V., Ipatov S.I. Observational evidences and possible dynamical reasons of sublimation activity of primitive asteroids in the main-belt. The Ninth Moscow Solar System Symposium 9M-S3 (Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 8-12, 2018)., 9MS3-PS-48, p. 293-295, 3 pages, a poster. ISBN 978-5-00015-008-5. .

   Feoktistova E.A., Ipatov S.I., Svetsov V.V. Lunar craters formed by encounters of satellite systems of near-Earth objects with the Moon. The Ninth Moscow Solar System Symposium 9M-S3 (Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 8-12, 2018).,  9MS3-PS-79, p. 352-355, 4 pages, a poster. ISBN 978-5-00015-008-5. .

    Ipatov, S.I., Formation and growth of embryos of the Earth-Moon system, Abstracts of “The Eighth Moscow Solar System Symposium 8M-S3” (Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 9-13, 2017), 8MS3-PS-36, p. 287-289, . A poster.

    Marov, M.Ya., Ipatov, S.I., Heterogeneous accretion: some results of the computer modeling, Abstracts of “The Eighth Moscow Solar System Symposium 8M-S3” (Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 9-13, 2017), 8MS3-PA-01, p. 1-3, . An oral presentation.

    Ipatov, S.I., Marov M.Ya., Delivery of water and planetesimals from the feeding zone of Jupiter and Saturn to forming terrestrial planets, Abstracts of “The Seventh Moscow Solar System Symposium 7M-S3” (Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 10-14, 2016), book of abstracts, 7MS3-AB-05, 115-ab – 117-ab (3 pages), an oral presentation.

   Ipatov, S.I., Origin of orbits of secondaries in discovered trans-Neptunian binaries, Abstracts of “The Sixth Moscow Solar System Symposium 6M-S3” (Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 5-9, 2015), 6MS3-SB-10, book of abstracts, abstracts, pp. ab-74 - ab-76 (3 pages), or CD-ROM, an oral presentation.

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation of embryos of the Earth-Moon system as a result of a collision of two rarefied condensations, Abstracts of “The Fifth Moscow Solar System Symposium 5M-S3” (Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 13-18, 2014), 5MS3-MN-01, book of abstracts, or CD-ROM, or (pp. 30ab-32ab), also, an oral presentation.


papers in refereed proceedings and books (only in Russian):

   Ipatov S.I. Exchange of meteorites between the terrestrial planets // Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth international conference “Physical-chemical and petrophysical researches in the Earth’s sciences” (30 September – October 4, 2024, Moscow; Borok), Moscow. IGEM, 2024. ISBN 978-5-88918-075-3. ISSN 2686-8938. P. 87-90. An oral presentation.  - my presentation was between 11 and 25 minutes.

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of bodies from the feeding zone of the planet Proxima Centauri c. Proc. of the Twenty-fourth international conference “Physical-chemical and petrophysical researches in the Earth’s sciences” (25 September – September 27, 2023, Moscow; September 29, Borok), Moscow. IGEM, P. 115-118. ISBN 978-5-88918-072-2 / ISSN 2686-8938. An oral presentation. – my abstracts - book of abstracts.

   Ipatov S.I. Probabilities of collisions of bodies ejected from the Earth and the Moon with the terrestrial planets and the Moon. Proc. of the Twenty-third international conference “Physical-chemical and petrophysical researches in the Earth’s sciences” (26 September – October 2, 2022, Moscow), IGEM, ISBN 978-5-88918-069-2. ISSN 2686-8938. 2022. P. 104-107. an oral presentation.  - abstracts book.

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of icy planetesimals to the inner planets in the Proxima Centauri system. Proc. of the Twenty-third international conference “Physical-chemical and petrophysical researches in the Earth’s sciences” (26 September – October 2, 2022, Moscow), IGEM, ISBN 978-5-88918-069-2. ISSN 2686-8938. 2022. P. 108-111. an oral presentation. - abstracts book.

   Ipatov S.I., Marov M.Ya. Migration of bodies to the Earth and the Moon from different distances from the Sun. Abstracts. of the International Conference “Near-Earth astronomy- 2022” (April 18-21, 2022, Moscow), . 2022. 162-164. - a poster

   Ipatov S.I. Probabilities of collisions with the Earth and the Moon of bodies ejected from the Earth at its collisions with bodies-impactors. Abstracts. of the International Conference “Near-Earth astronomy-2022” (April 18-21, 2022, Moscow), . 2022. с. 120-123. - an oral presentation.

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of planetesimals in the Trappist exoplanetary system and in the zone of the terrestrial planets. Proc. of the Twenty-second international conference “Physical-chemical and petrophysical researches in the Earth’s sciences” (27 September – October 3, 2021, Moscow), Moscow. IGEM, 2021. – abstracts book. P. 114-117. An oral presentation. – my abstracts.

   Kremenetsky M.I., Ipatov A.I., Ipatov S.I. The mechanism of acoustic emission noise in the pore matrix due to compression in natural constrictions. Chapter. 3.3.2. p. 331-333. In the book: Kremenetsky M.I., Ipatov A.I. Application of field geophysical control to optimize oil and gas fields. V. 2. The role of hydrodynamic-geophysical monitoring in development management. M. Izhevsk. Institute for Computer Research. 2020. 756 p. ISBN 978-5-4344-0887-5.

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of exoplanetesimals in the Proxima Centauri planetary system. Proc. of the Twenty-first international conference “Physical-chemical and petrophysical researches in the Earth’s sciences” (21-23, 25 September 2020, Moscow), Moscow. IGEM, 2020, p. 100-104. ISBN 978-5-88918-059-3, ISSN 2686-8938. A poster presentation.   

   Ipatov S.I., Marov M.Ya. Migration of planetesimals to the Earth from the outer asteroid belt. Proc. of the Twenty-first international conference “Physical-chemical and petrophysical studies in the Earth sciences” (21-24 September 2020, Moscow), Moscow. IGEM, 2020. p. 105-108. ISBN 978-5-88918-059-3, ISSN 2686-8938. An oral presentation.

   Ipatov S.I. The probabilities of collisions of near-Earth objects with the Earth. Proc. of the All-Russian Annual Workshop on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. 2020,  Moscow, р. 242-246,  .ТрудыХит%202020_НА%20ПЕЧАТЬ_ФИНАЛ.pdf

     Ipatov S.I. Contribution of T.M. Eneev to planetary cosmogony. XLIV Academic space conference (28-31 January 2020), 2020. Vol. 1. P. 251-254. .

Invited presentation.

   Ipatov S.I. Mixing of planetesimals in the feeding zone of the terrestrial planets. Proc. of the Twenteenth international conference “Physical-chemical and petrophysical studies in the Earth sciences” (23-25 September 2019, Moscow), Moscow. IGEM, 2019, pp. 122-125. A poster presentation.,  , ISBN 978-5-88918-056-2

   Marov M.Ya., Ipatov S.I. Migration of planetesimals to the terrestrial planets and the Moon from beyond the orbit of Mars. Proc. of the Twenteenth international conference “Physical-chemical and petrophysical studies in the Earth sciences” (23-25 September 2019, Moscow), Moscow. IGEM, 2019, pp. 226-229. An oral presentation.  . ISBN 978-5-88918-056-2

    Ipatov S.I., Feoktistova E.A., Svetsov V.V. Changes in the number of near-Earth objects and lunar craters during the last billion years. Proc. of the Twenteenth international conference “Physical-chemical and petrophysical studies in the Earth sciences” (23-25 September 2019, Moscow), Moscow. IGEM, 2019, p. 126-129. An oral presentation. .  ISBN 978-5-88918-056-2

    Ipatov C.I. Probabilities of collisions with the Earth and the Moon of planetesimals that migrated from beyond the orbit of Mars // Proc. of the All-Russian Annual Workshop on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. April 16-17, 2019 Moscow.  . p. 289-292.

    Ipatov C.I. Probabilities of collisions of planetesimals from various regions of the feeding zone of the terrestrial planets with the forming planets and the Moon // Proc. of the All-Russian Annual Workshop on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. April 16-17, 2019 Moscow.  . p. 285-288.

    Ipatov S.I., Feoktistova E.A., Svetsov V.V. The number of near-earth objects and formation of lunar craters during the last billion years // Proc. of the All-Russian Annual Workshop on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. April 16-17, 2019 Moscow.  . p. 293-296.

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of small bodies to the Earth and the Moon from different distances from the Sun. Proc. of the Nineteenth international conference “Physical-chemical and petrophysical studies in the Earth sciences” (24-30 September 2018, Moscow), Moscow. IGEM, 2018, pp. 138-141. An oral presentation.    ISBN 978-5-88918-053-1

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of dust particles to the Earth and the Moon from the zone of Jupiter and Saturn. Proc. of the Nineteenth international conference “Physical-chemical and petrophysical studies in the Earth sciences” (24-30 September 2018, Moscow), Moscow. IGEM, 2018, pp. 142-145. A poster presentation.  / ISBN 978-5-88918-053-1

   Ipatov S.I. Probabilities of collisions of bodies from the terrestrial feeding zone with planets and the Moon. Proc. of the Nineteenth international conference “Physical-chemical and petrophysical studies in the Earth sciences” (24-30 September 2018, Moscow), Moscow. IGEM, 2018, pp. 134-137. A poster presentation. ISBN 978-5-88918-053-1/

   Ipatov S.I. Sources of objects collided with the Earth. Proc. XIII All-Russian with the international participation scientific and practical conference "Geography and geoecology at the service of science and innovative education" (April 20, 2018, Krasnoyarsk). Ed. by M.V. Prohorchuk, et al. V.P. Astafiev Krasnoyarsk state pedagodical university. Krasnoyrsk, 2018. Issue 13. P. 114-116. . ISBN 978-5-00102-205-3

   Marov M.Ya., Ipatov S.I., Calculations of the migration of small bodies in the solar system. Proceedings of the XII International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Mechanics in the Aerospace Industry (NPNJ'2018) (May 24-31, 2018, Alushta, Crimea), P. 414-416. . С. 414-416.  . ISBN 978-5-4316-0491-1

   Kremenetsky M.I., Ipatov A.I., Ipatov S.I. The mechanism of acoustic emission noise in a pore matrix due to compression in natural contractions. Section. in the monograph of M.I. Kremenetsky, A.I. Ipatov “Stationary hydrodynamic-geophysical monitoring of the development of oil and gas fields”. Gold fund of oil and gas science. Gazprom 2018. p. 474-476.

   Kremenetsky M.I., Ipatov A.I., Ipatov S.I. The turbulent mechanism of the appearance of standing waves of acoustic noise in calibrated channels (resonance effect). Section. in the monograph of M.I. Kremenetsky, A.I. Ipatov “Stationary hydrodynamic-geophysical monitoring of the development of oil and gas fields”. Gold fund of oil and gas science. Gazprom 2018. p. 476-478.

   Ipatov S.I. Formation of embryos of the Earth and the Moon from the common condensation and their subsequent growth. Proc. of the Eighteenth international conference “Physical-chemical and petrophysical studies in the Earth sciences” (2-4 October, Moscow; 6 October 2017, Borok), Moscow. IGEM, 2017, pp. 122-125. Poster presentation.

   Marov M.Ya., Ipatov S.I. Water and volatiles on Earth: formation problem, Proc. of the Seventeenth international conference “Physical-chemical and petrophysical studies in the Earth sciences” (26-28 September, Moscow; 30 September 2016, Borok), Moscow. IGEM, 2016, pp. 223-226. Oral presentation. ,

   Marov M.Ya., Ipatov S.I., Mechanics of space processes of migration of small bodies in the Solar System. Nature and models. Proc. of XI International conference on Non-Equilibrium Processes in Nozzles and Jets (NPNJ'2016). Moscow. MAI. 2016, pp 359-362. A plenary presentation. , .

     Ipatov S.I. and M.Ya. Marov. Migration of small bodies and dust to the terrestrial planets. Proc. of the International Conference “Near-Earth astronomy- 2015” (August 31 – September 5, 2015, Terskol), ed. by B.M. Shustov, L.V. Rykhlova, E.S. Bakanas, A.P. Kartashova. Moscow, Yanus-K, 2015. pp. 6-11. Oral presentation.   ,

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation of celestial bodies with satellites at the stage of rarefied condensations, In “Solar System Study: Some Milestones”, Moscow, Space Research Institute, in Mechanics, control, and informatics, 2015, v. 7, N 3 (56), p. 386-399 (2015)., , . ,

   Co-author of sections and (p. 312-315) in the book by A.I. Ipatov and M.I. Kremenetskii, “Geophysical and hydro-dynamical control of exploitation of hydrocarbon-fields”, Moscow, Akademiya, 2005 (second edition in 2006, third edition in 2010).

   Ipatov, S.I. Formation and migration of trans-Neptunian objects to the terrestrial planets, “Modern problems of mechanics and space physics”, ed. by V.S. Avduevskii and A.V. Kolesnichenko, Fizmatlit, Nauka, pp. 58-82 (2003).

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation of trans-Neptunian bodies and their migration to the Earth, Proceedings of the conference “Near-Earth astronomy of XXI century” (May 21-25, 2001, Zvenigorod, Moscow region), pp. 388-400 (2001).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of trans-Neptunian objects to the Earth, Proc. of the conference "Near-Earth astronomy and problems of investigations of small bodies in the Solar System" (October 25-29, 1999, Obninsk), pp. 151-162 (2000).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of celestial bodies in the solar system, Proc. Intern. Conf. "Analysis of systems at the threshold of the XXI century" (February 27-29, 1996, Moscow). Moscow, v. 3, pp. 293-305 (1997).

   Ipatov, S.I., Computer simulation of the process of planet accumulation, "Origin of the Solar system. Kinetical and thermodynamical aspects". Nauka. Moscow, pp. 73-87 (1993).

   Ipatov. S.I., Migration of bodies to the Earth's orbit from the Kirkwood gaps and zone of giant planets. Proc. of all-Union conference (with international participation) "Asteroid hazard" (October 10-11, 1991, St. Petersburg), ITA, St. Petersburg, pp. 121-125 (1992).

   Ipatov, S.I., Computer simulation of the planet accumulation, Planet cosmogony and Earth sciences, Nauka, Moscow, pp. 89-105 (1989).

   Ipatov, S.I., Axial rotation of the forming planets, O.Yu. Schmidt and soviet geophysics, Nauka, Moscow, pp. 239-243 (1984).


preprints (in Russian; these preprints were refereed, published by a printing-house, and were sold in shops):

   Ipatov, S.I., Gravitational interaction of planetesimals moving in close orbits, RAS Institute of Applied Mathematics Preprint, N 23, Moscow (1994), 60 P.

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of small bodies to the Earth, RAS Institute of Applied Mathematics Preprint N 105, Moscow (1994), 48 P.

   Ipatov, S.I., Evolution of asteroidal orbits at the 5:2 resonance, AS USSR Institute of Applied Mathematics Preprint N 125, Moscow (1991), 48 P.

   Kozlov, N.N., Ipatov, S.I., Toropseva V.N., Minimization of the vias number during channel routing for two-layer chips, AS USSR Institute of Applied Mathematics Preprint N 118, Moscow (1990), 14 P.

   Ipatov, S.I., The origin of the 5:2 Kirkwood gap, AS USSR Institute of Applied Mathematics Preprint N 67, Moscow (1989), 28 P.

   Ipatov, S.I., Numerical studies of the orbital evolution of asteroids and planetesimals within the plane three-body problem, AS USSR Institute of Applied Mathematics Preprint N 62, Moscow (1988), 23 P.

   Ipatov, S.I., Evolution of orbital eccentricities during the initial stage of solid-body accumulation of planets, AS USSR Institute of Applied Mathematics Preprint N 4, Moscow (1985), 28 P.

   Ipatov, S.I., Computer simulations of the evolution of spatial disks of gravitating bodies corresponding to the feeding zones of the giant-planets, AS USSR Institute of Applied Mathematics Preprint N 1, Moscow (1984), 28 P.

   Ipatov, S.I., Studies of accumulation of cores of the giant planets based on computer simulations of plane disks, AS USSR Institute of Applied Mathematics Preprint N 117, Moscow (1983), 28 P.

   Ipatov, S.I., Numerical studies of angular momentum of accreting bodies, AS USSR Institute of Applied Mathematics Preprint N 101, Moscow (1981), 28 P.

   Ipatov, S.I., Computer simulations of the accumulation of the terrestrial planets, AS USSR Institute of Applied Mathematics Preprint N 144, Moscow (1982), 28 P.

   Ipatov, S.I., Estimates of the evolution of spatial disks of gravitating bodies coagulating under collisions, AS USSR Institute of Applied Mathematics Preprint N 186, Moscow (1982), 28 P.

   Ipatov, S.I., Several aspects of the formation of spins of planets, AS USSR Institute of Applied Mathematics Preprint N 102, Moscow (1981), 28 P.

   Ipatov, S.I., Orbital evolution of resonant asteroids in the planar three-body problem: Sun-Jupiter-asteroid system, AS USSR Institute of Applied Mathematics Preprint N 30, Moscow, (1980), 32 P.

   Ipatov, S.I., An approximate method for analysis of the mutual gravitational influence of bodies in a protoplanet cloud. A possible evolution of Pluto's orbit, AS USSR Institute of Applied Mathematics Preprint N 43, Moscow (1980), 33 P.

   Ipatov, S.I., Mutual gravitational influence of two protoplanets in the plane three-body problem with initially circular orbits, AS USSR Institute of Applied Mathematics Preprint N 183, Moscow (1979), 32 P.

   Ipatov, S.I., The three-body problem and the interaction of protoplanets in a protoplanet cloud, AS USSR Institute of Applied Mathematics Preprint N 192, Moscow (1979), 28 P.

  Ipatov, S.I., Evolution of a plane ring of gravitating bodies coagulating under collisions, AS USSR Institute of Applied Mathematics Preprint N 101, Moscow (1978), 66 P.

   Ipatov, S.I., Evolution of a plane ring of gravitating particles, AS USSR Institute of Applied Mathematics Preprint N 2, Moscow (1978), 60 P.


Abstracts published in the journal Meteoritics and Planetary Science (Q2) and indexed in the Web of Science).  

   Ipatov S.I. Exchange of meteorites between the terrestrial planets. 86th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society. Jul 28-Aug 2, 2024. Brussels, Belgium. LPI Contribution No. 3036, 2024, id.6025. - abstract. A poster. Poster Session 1: Meteorite Delivery to Earth and Recovery.

Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2024. V.59. P. A204-A204. Supplement 1.


    Ipatov S.I. Scattering of planetesimals from the feeding zone of planet Proxima Centauri c // Abstracts of 86th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society (August 13–18, 2023, Los Angeles, California, USA). - Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2023. V. 58. Issue S1. P. A132. .  . a poster.  - program.

    Ipatov S.I. Migration of dust from the orbit of planet Proxima Centauri c // Abstracts of 86th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society (August 13–18, 2023, Los Angeles, California, USA). - Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2023. V. 58. Issue S1. P. A131. .  . a poster. .   - program.

    Ipatov S.I. Mixing of planetesimals in the TRAPPIST-1 exoplanetary system // Abstracts of 85th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society (August 14–19, 2022, Glasgow, Scotland). - Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2022. V. 57. Issue S1. P. A208. . a poster.

    Ipatov S.I. Probabilities of collisions of bodies ejected from the Earth with planets and the Moon // Abstracts of 85th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society (August 14–19, 2022, Glasgow, Scotland).

Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2022. Volume 57, Issue S1. P. A209. . a poster.

    Ipatov S. I. Delivery of Icy Planetesimals to Inner Planets in the Proxima Centauri System.

Abstracts of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society on August 15–21, 2021 (Chicago, Illinois), #6042, . a poster

Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2021. V. 56. Issue S1, #6042, p. 114. LPI Contribution No. 2609, id.6042. , click pdf to download file with all abstracts, p. 114, .13727 - one DOI for all abstracts

    Ipatov S. I. Delivery of Bodies to the Earth and the Moon from the Zone of the Outer Asteroid Belt. Abstracts of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society on August 15–21, 2021 (Chicago, Illinois), #6040, , a poster; 84th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2021 (LPI Contrib. No. 2609).

Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2021. V. 56. Issue S1, #6040, p. 113. LPI Contribution No. 2609, id.6040. , click pdf to download file with all abstracts, p. 113,  - one DOI for all abstracts  .

   Ipatov S.I. Probabilities of collisions with the Earth and the Moon of planetesimals migrated from outside the orbit of Mars. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (July 7-12, 2019, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan). Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2019. V. 54. Issue S2, #6290, p. 174. LPI Contribution No. 2157, id.6290. - e- poster. WOS:

   Ipatov S.I. Accumulation of planetesimals by forming terrestrial planets from different regions of their feeding zone. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (July 7-12, 2019, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan). . Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2019. V. 54. Issue S2, #6147. P. 173. LPI Contribution No. 2157, id. 6147.  - e- poster. WOS: .

   Marov M.Ya., Ipatov S.I. Water and volatiles inventory from beyond Jupiter’s orbit to the terrestrial planets and the Moon. 81st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (July 22-27, 2018, Moscow, Russia). LPI Contrib. No. 2067.

Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2018. V. 53. Issue S1, #6144, p. 187. - a whole issue.

WOS: 000438212400188.  An oral presentation.

   Ipatov S.I. Formation and growth of the embryos of the Earth and the Moon. 81st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (July 22-27, 2018, Moscow, Russia). LPI Contrib. No. 2067. .

Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2018. V. 53. Issue S1, #6024, p. 114.  - a whole issue.

An oral presentation. Устный доклад. WOS: 000438212400115 .

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of interplanetary dust particles to the Earth and the Moon. 81st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (July 22-27, 2018, Moscow, Russia). LPI Contrib. No. 2067. . Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2018. V. 53. Issue S1, #6075, p. 115.  - a whole issue.

A poster. Стендовый доклад. WOS: 000438212400116.

   Ipatov S.I. and Elenin L.V. Suggested models for calculation of the probabilities of detection of near-Earth objects in different sky regions. 81st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (July 22-27, 2018, Moscow, Russia). LPI Contrib. No. 2067. .

Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2018. V. 53. Issue S1, p. 116.  - a whole issue.

An oral presentation. Устный доклад. WOS:000438212400117 .

   Boss, A.P., Ipatov, S.I., and Myhill, E.A., Triggering presolar cloud collapse and injection of short-lived radioisotopes by a supernova shock wave, Abstracts of 70th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting (Tucson, Arizona, August 13-17, 2007). Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement, Vol. 42, p. A23, #5011 (2007).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mardon, A.A., Delivery of material from a trans-Neptunian region to the Earth, abstracts of 64th Annual meeting of meteoritical society (Vatican, September 10-14, 2001), Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 36, Supplement, p. A86 (2001)


Abstracts are presented in order of years


Abstracts published by LPI (in English):

   Ipatov, S.I., Possible migration of the giant planets embryos, Abstracts of 22nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 18-22, 1991, Houston), pp. 607-608 (1991).  ;

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of bodies during the accumulation of terrestrial planets, Abstracts of 23nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 16-20, 1992, Houston), pp. 567-568 (1992).   - starting from this webpage you can get a free file with the abstract;  .

   Ipatov, S.I., Dynamics of two interacting objects orbiting the Sun, Abstracts of 25th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 14-18, 1994, Houston, USA). pp. 593-594 (1994).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of small bodies to the Earth, Abstracts of 26th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 13-17, 1995, Houston, USA). pp. 655-656 (1995). ,

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of small bodies to the Earth's orbit from the Kuiper belt, Abstracts of 28th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 17-21, 1997, Houston, USA), pp. 615-616 (1997).   (Here: .PDF not .pdf)

   Ipatov, S.I., Mutual gravitational influence of beyond-Neptune bodies, Abstracts of 28th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 17-21, 1997, Houston, USA), pp. 617-618 (1997).   (Here: .PDF not .pdf)

   Ipatov, S.I. and Henrard, J., Evolution of orbits at the 2:3 resonance with Neptune, Abstracts of 28th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 17-21, 1997, Houston, USA), p. 621 (1997).   (Here: .PDF not .pdf)

   Ipatov, S.I. and Hahn, G.J., Evolution of the orbits of the objects P/1996 R2 (Lagerkvist) and P/1996 N2 (Elst-Pizarro), Abstracts of 28th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 17-21, 1997, Houston, USA), pp. 619-620 (1997). (Here: .PDF not .pdf)

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mardon, A.A., Delivery of meteorites to the Earth from the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt. Abstracts of 30th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 15-19, 1999, Houston, USA), CD-ROM. (1999).  

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation of trans-Neptunian objects. Abstracts of 32th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 12-16, 2001, Houston, USA), print-only abstracts (#1165),    (2001).

  Marov, M.Ya. and Ipatov, S.I., Volatiles inventory to the inner planets due to small bodies migration, Abstracts of 34th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 17-21, 2003, League City, TX, USA), CD-ROM, (#1099) (  ) (2003).

   Ipatov, S.I., Mather, J.C., and Taylor, P., Migration of asteroidal dust, Abstracts of 34th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 17-21, 2003, League City, TX, USA), CD-ROM, (#1501) (  ) (2003).

   Marov, M.Ya. and Ipatov, S.I., Migration processes and volatiles inventory to the inner planets, Abstracts of 35th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 15-19, 2004, League City, TX, USA), (#1410)   (2004).

   Ipatov, S.I., Mather, J.C., and Guillory, J.U., Migration of dust particles and their collisions with the terrestrial planets, Abstracts of 35th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 15-19, 2004, League City, TX, USA), (#1446)   (2004).

   Ipatov, S.I., Kutyrev, A., Madsen, G.J., Mather, J.C., Moseley, S.H., Reynolds, R.J., Dynamical Zodiacal cloud models constrained by high resolution spectroscopy of the Zodiacal light, Abstracts of 36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 14-18, 2005, League City, TX, USA), (#1266),   (2005)

  Marov, M.Ya. and Ipatov, S.I., Migration of dust particles and volatiles delivery to the inner planets, Abstracts of 36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 14-18, 2005, League City, TX, USA), (#1268)    (2005)

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of dust particles to the terrestrial planets, Abstracts of the conference “Dust in Planetary Systems” (September 26-30, 2005, Kaua'i, Hawaii, USA),  p. 71-72, https://www.lpi.usra/meetings/dust2005/pdf/4049.pdf     or     (2005)

   Madsen, G.J., Reynolds, R.J., Ipatov, S.I., Kutyrev, A., Mather, J.C., Moseley, S.H., New observations of the kinematics of the zodiacal dust cloud, Abstracts of the conference “Dust in Planetary Systems” (September 26-30, 2005, Kaua'i, Hawaii, USA), p. 111-112,   OR   (all abstracts are in the same file after the contents). (2005)

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation of trans-Neptunian objects, Abstracts of the conference “Protostars and planets V” (October 24-28, 2005, Hilton Waikoloa Village, The Big Island, Hawaii, USA), CD-ROM, Contribution No. 1286, p. 8054, (2005)

   Ipatov, S.I., A’Hearn, M.F., Velocities of material ejected from comet Tempel 1, Abstracts of 37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 13-17, 2006, League City, TX, USA), (#1462),   (2006).

   Ipatov, S.I., Kutyrev, A., Madsen, G.J., Mather, J.C., Moseley, S.H., Reynolds, R.J., Dynamical zodiacal cloud models, Abstracts of 37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 13-17, 2006, League City, TX, USA), (#1471),   (2006).

   Ipatov, S.I., Boss, A.P., Myhill, E.A., Triggering presolar cloud collapse and injection of short-lived radioisotopes by a supernova shock wave: adaptive mesh refinement calculations with the FLASH code, Abstracts of 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 12-16, 2007, League City, TX, USA), (#1018), (2007).

   Ipatov, S.I., Growth of eccentricities and inclinations of planetesimals due to their mutual gravitational influence, Abstracts of 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 12-16, 2007, League City, TX, USA), (#1260), (2007).

   Boss, A.P., Ipatov, S.I., Myhill, E.A., Triggering presolar cloud collapse and injection of short-lived radioisotopes with an outflow from a massive star, Abstracts of Workshop on The Chronology of Meteorites and the Early Solar System (November 5-7, 2007, Kauai, HI, USA), LPI Contribution No. 1374, pp. 34-35, (2007).

   Ipatov, S.I. and A’Hearn, M.F., Velocities of material ejected after the Deep Impact collision, Abstracts of 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 10-14, 2008, League City, Texas), #1024, (2008).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Cho, J.Y-K., Synthetic spectra from a GCM simulation of a model exo-Earth, Abstracts of 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 10-14, 2008, League City, Texas), # 2554, (2008)

   Ipatov, S.I. and A'Hearn, M.F., Velocities and relative amounts of material ejected after the collision of DI impactor with comet 9P/Tempel 1, Abstracts of 10th conference “Asteroids, Comets, Meteors” (Baltimore, USA, 14-18 July 2008), (2008).

   Ipatov, S.I., Probabilities of collisions of migrating small bodies and dust particles with planets, Abstracts of 10th conference “Asteroids, Comets, Meteors” (Baltimore, USA, 14-18 July 2008), (2008).

   Boss, A.P., Ipatov, S.I., Keiser, S.A., Myhill, E.A., Vanhala, H.A.T., Simultaneous triggered presolar cloud collapse and injection of short-lived radioisotopes by a supernova shock wave. Abstracts of 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 23-27, 2009, The Woodlands, Texas), #1002, (2009).

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation of binaries at the stage of rarefied preplanetesimals, Abstracts of 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 23-27, 2009, The Woodlands, Texas), # 1021. (2009).

   Ipatov, S.I. and A’Hearn, M.F., Deep Impact ejection from Comet Tempel 1 as a triggered outburst, Abstracts of 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 23-27, 2009, The Woodlands, Texas), #1022. (2009).

   Ipatov, S.I., Delivery of dust particles and small bodies to planets, Abstracts of 41th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 1-5, 2010, The Woodlands, Texas), # 1267, (2010).

   Ipatov, S.I., The outburst triggered by the collision of the Deep Impact module with Comet Tempel 1, and cavities in comets, Abstracts of 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 7-11, 2011, The Woodlands, Texas), # 1317, (2011)

   Ipatov, S.I., Location of the upper borders of the cavities excavated after the Deep Impact collision, Abstracts of 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 19-23, 2012, The Woodlands, Texas), # 1318, (2012)

    Ipatov, S.I., Angular momenta of collided rarefied preplanetesimals, Abstracts of 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 18-22, 2013, The Woodlands, Texas), # 1488,  (2013)

   Ipatov, S.I., Horne, K., Models of sky brightness, Abstracts of 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 17-21, 2014, The Woodlands, Texas), # 1390, (2014) - eposter

   Ipatov, S.I., The role of collisions of rarefied condensations in formation of embryos of the Earth and the Moon, Abstracts of 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 16-20, 2015, The Woodlands, Texas), # 1355,  (2015). - eposter.

   Ipatov, S.I., Origin of orbits of secondaries in discovered trans-Neptunian binaries, Abstracts of 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 16-20, 2015, The Woodlands, Texas), # 1512, (2015). - e-poster

     Ipatov S.I. and Marov M.Ya., Migration of planetesimals to forming terrestrial planets from the feeding zone of Jupiter and Saturn. Abstracts of 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 21-25, 2016, The Woodlands, Texas), # 1458, – abstract ,  - e-poster (2016).

     Ipatov S.I. Angular momenta of collided rarefied preplanetesimals needed for formation of trans-neptunian satellite systems. Abstracts of 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 20-24, 2017, The Woodlands, Texas), # 1554,  – abstract . - e-poster (2017).

     Ipatov S.I. Formation and growth of embryos of the Earth and the Moon. Abstracts of 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 19-23, 2018, The Woodlands, Texas), (LPI Contrib. No. 2083), # 1602, – abstract (2018). - e-poster.

     Ipatov S.I. Probabilities of collisions of bodies from the feeding zone of the terrestrial planets with the planets, the Moon, and their embryos // Abstracts of 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 18-22, 2019, The Woodlands, Texas), 2019. # 2289, 2 pages.  .


     Ipatov S.I. Migration of planetesimals to the Earth and the Moon from different distances from the Sun // Abstracts of 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 18-22, 2019, The Woodlands, Texas), 2019. # 2594, 2 pages.  .


     Feoktistova E.A., Ipatov S.I.,  Svetsov V.V. Tripples of lunar craters formed by encounters of satellite systems of near-Earth objects with the Moon // Abstracts of 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 18-22, 2019, The Woodlands, Texas), 2019. # 1946, 2 pages.  .


    Ipatov S.I., Feoktistova E.A., Svetsov V.V. Variations in the number of near-Earth objects and lunar craters during the last billion years. // Abstracts of 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (The Woodlands, Texas - March 16-20, 2020), LPI Contribution No. 2326, 2020, id.1910, 2 pages. ,   - e-poster

    Ipatov S.I., Migration of Bodies from the Zone of the Outer Asteroid Belt to the Earth // Abstracts of 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 15–19, 2021, a virtual conference), #1618, 2 pages, ,   - an iposter

     Ipatov S.I. Migration of bodies ejected from the Earth and collided with the Earth and the Moon // Abstracts of 53nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (The Woodlands, Texas - March 7–11, 2022), #1298, 2 pages, , an iposter.

     Ipatov S.I. Migration of planetesimals in the TRAPPIST-1 exoplanetary system // Abstracts of 53nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (The Woodlands, Texas - March 7–11, 2022), #1182, 2 pages, , an iposter.

     Ipatov S.I. Collisions of bodies ejected from several places on the Earth and the Moon with the terrestrial planets and the Moon // Abstracts of 54nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (The Woodlands, Texas - March 13–17, 2023), #1508. - abstract, – a poster. - program

     Ipatov S.I. Motion of planetesimals from the feeding zone of Proxima Centauri c. // Abstracts of 54nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (The Woodlands, Texas - March 13–17, 2023), #1309, 2 pages. - abstract, – a poster.

     Ipatov S.I. Motion of planetesimals in the Proxima Centauri, Trappist-1 and Gliese 581 planetary systems. // Abstracts of 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (The Woodlands, Texas - March 11–15, 2024), #1054, 2 pages.  .  – iposter.  - program.

     Ipatov S.I. Probabilities of collisions of bodies ejected from the Earth with the terrestrial planets. // Abstracts of 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (The Woodlands, Texas - March 11–15, 2024), #1231, 2 pages.  .  – iposter.  - program.


Other abstracts published in periodic editions (e.g. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society) and other minor publications (in English):

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of planetesimals and planets in the forming solar system, Abstracts of 24th Meeting of Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society (Munich, October 12-16, 1992). Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 25-14P, N 3, p. 984 (1992).  or .

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of small bodies to the Earth, Abstracts of the XX General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society (April 3-7, 1995, Hamburg, Germany). Annales Geophysicae, Supplement of vol. 13. (1995).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of bodies to the Earth from the asteroid and Edgeworth-Kuiper belts, Abstracts of the XXIII General Assembly of European Geophysical Society (April 20-24, 1998, Nice, France), Annales Geophysicae, Part 3. Space and Planetary Sciences. Supplement 3 to vol. 16. p. 1034 (1998).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of planetesimals and planet embryos during the process of planet formation, Abstracts of the XXIII General Assembly of European Geophysical Society (April 20-24, 1998, Nice, France), Annales Geophysicae, Part 3. Space and Planetary Sciences. Supplement 3 to vol. 16. p. 1043 (1998).

   Elst, E.W., Ipatov, S, Ticha, J., Tichy, M., Blythe, M., Shelly, F., Bezpalko, M., Elowitz, M., Huber, R., Stuart, J., Viggh, H., Sayer, R., Durig, D.T., Marsden, B.G. Comet C/1999 T3 (LINEAR). Minor Planet Electronic Circ., 1999-U27 (1999).   

   Elst, E.W., Ipatov, S, Ticha, J., Tichy, M., Durig, D. Comet C/1999 T3 (LINEAR). IAU Circ., 7289, 1 (1999).  

   Ozernoy, L.M. and Ipatov, S.I., Evolution of the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt and kuiperoidal dust, Abstracts of JENAM-2001 (September 10-15, 2001, Munich, Germany), Astronomische Gesellschaft, Abstract Series 18, 2001, abstract #P40, p. 155 (2001).  

   Ozernoy, L.M. and Ipatov, S.I., Origins of water on Mars, Earth, and Venus: Evaluating the supply from the outer Solar system, Abstracts of the 199th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (6-10 January 2002, Washington, DC, USA), The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 33, N 4, pp. 1352-1353,   (2001)

   Ipatov, S.I. and Ozernoy, L.M., Characteristic times elapsed up to collisions of minor bodies with planets, Abstracts of the 199th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (6-10 January 2002, Washington, DC, USA), The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 33, N 4, p. 1352,   (2001).

   Mardon, A.A. and Ipatov, S.I., Impact threat from the source of Edgeworth-Kuiper belt, Teaching of Astronomy in Asian-Pacific Region. Bulletin No. 17. Mitaka Tokyo Japan. 2001.01.30, pp. 61-62 (2001).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Orbital evolution of Jupiter-family comets. Abstracts of the 200th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (2-6 June 2002, Albuquerque, NM, USA), The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 34, n 2, p. 783 (  ) (2002).

   Ipatov, S.I. Formation and Migration of Trans-Neptunian Objects. IAA Transactions. No 8. Celestial Mechanics. – St. Petersburg: Inst. Appl. Astron. of Russian Acad. of Sciences, [Abstracts of the Conference “Celestial Mechanics -2002: Results and Prospects” (10-14 September 2002, St. Petersburg, Russia, Institute of Applied Astronomy of Russian Academy of Sciences], pp. 86-87 (   ) (2002).

   Ipatov, S.I. Migration of asteroids from the 3/1 and 5/2 resonances with Jupiter to the Earth. IAA Transactions. No 8. Celestial Mechanics. – St. Petersburg: Inst. Appl. Astron. of Russian Acad. of Sciences, [Abstracts of the Conference “Celestial Mechanics -2002: Results and Prospects” (10-14 September 2002, St. Petersburg, Russia, Institute of Applied Astronomy of Russian Academy of Sciences], pp. 88-89 (   ) (2002).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of comets to near-Earth orbits, Abstracts of the 34th annual meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of AAS (6-11 October 2002, Birmingham, USA). ID 188. The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 34, N 3, pp. 887-888, #27.10, 2002,   

   Marov, M.Ya. and Ipatov, S.I., Volatiles Inventory from Planetesimals and Trans-Neptunian objects: An Estimate, Abstracts of the 34th annual meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of AAS (6-11 October 2002, Birmingam, USA), The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 34, N 3, p. 891, #28.12, 2002   .

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Decoupling of Jupiter-family comets, Abstracts of AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy (4-7 May 2003, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA), The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 35, N 4, p. 1034, #2.05, 2003 (  ) .

   Ipatov, S.I., Mather, J.C., and Taylor, P., Migration of asteroidal dust particles, Abstracts of AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy (4-7 May 2003, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA), The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 35, N 4, p. 1037 , #6.06 ( ) (2003).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Extinct comets in near-Earth object orbits, Abstracts of the 35th annual meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of AAS (2-6 September 2003, Monterey, CA, USA). The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 35, N 4, p. 974-975, #33.04 (2003).  

   Ipatov, S.I. Former comets in near-Earth object orbits, Abstracts of the Conference “Astrometry, Geodynamics and Solar System Dynamics: from milliarcseconds to microarcseconds” (September 22-25, 2003, Institute of applied astronomy, Saint-Petersburg, Russia), p. 31 (2003).

   Ipatov, S.I. Migration of interplanetary dust, Abstracts of the Conference “Astrometry, Geodynamics and Solar System Dynamics: from milliarcseconds to microarcseconds” (September 22-25, 2003, Institute of applied astronomy, Saint-Petersburg, Russia), p.32 (2003).

   Ipatov, S.I, Formation of trans-Neptunian objects, Abstracts of the 203th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (4-8 January 2004, Atlanta, USA), The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 35, N 5, #15.06,    (2003).

   Ipatov, S.I., Mather, J.C., and Guillory, J.U., Migration of interplanetary dust particles, Abstracts of 35th Meeting of the AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy (April 20-23, 2004, Cannes, France), The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 36, N 2, #5.06, 2004, .  Also pp. 15-16 in the abstracts of the conference.

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Orbital evolution of Jupiter-family comets, Abstracts of 35th Meeting of the AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy (April 20-23, 2004, Cannes, France), The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 36, N 2,#7.07, 2004  . Also p. 25 in the abstracts of the conference.

   Ipatov, S.I., Kutyrev, A., Madsen, G.J., Mather, J.C., Moseley, S.H., Reynolds, R.J., Dynamical Zodiacal cloud models constrained by high resolution spectroscopy of the Zodiacal light, Abstracts of the 36th annual meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of AAS (8-12 November 2004, Lousville, Kentucky, USA),  The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 36, N 4, #34.14, 2004   .

   Ipatov, S.I., Kutyrev, A., Madsen, G.J., Mather, J.C., Moseley, S.H., Reynolds, R.J., Velocities of zodiacal dust particles, late abstracts of AAS 206 Meeting (29 May - 2 June 2005, Minneapolis, Minnesota USA), The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, #34.08 (#449), 2005.

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Dynamics and distribution of interplanetary dust, abstracts of 37th DPS Meeting and 31st HAD Meeting (September 4-9, 2005, Cambridge, UK), The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 37, N 3, #17.04, 2005. (2005).

   Ipatov, S.I. and A’Hearn, M.F., Automatic recognition of cosmic rays at Deep Impact CCDs, Abstracts of the AAS 207 Meeting (8-12 January 2006, Washington, DC, USA), The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, (#867), #154.08, 2005, p. 1415 ( ) (2005).

   Ipatov, S.I., Marov, M.Ya., Mather, J.C., Delivery of volatiles to the terrestrial planets, Abstracts of the Astrobiology Science Conference 2006 (March 26-30, 2006, Washington, D.C.), Astrobiology, v. 6, N 1, p. 241; (2006).

   Ipatov, S.I., Kutyrev, A., Madsen, G.J., Mather, J.C., Moseley, S.H., Reynolds, R.J., Computer simulations of spectrum of the zodiacal light, abstracts of 38th DPS Meeting (October 8-13, 2006, Pasadena, CA), The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 38, N 3, p. 558. #41.02 (2006). (  )

   Ipatov, S.I. and A’Hearn, M.F., Velocities and relative amount of material ejected after the Deep Impact collision, abstracts of 39th DPS Meeting (October 7-12, 2007, Orlando, FL), DPS meeting #39, id.21.01; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 39, p.449 (2007).   

   Marov, M.Ya., Ipatov, S.I., Volatiles and biogenic matter delivered by small bodies and dust particles, Abstracts of the II International Conference “Biosphere origin and evolution” (October 28 – November 2, 2007, Loutraki, Greece). KN-4. P. 31-32. (

   Cho, J. and Ipatov, S., Circulation, cloud, and spectra: a first look at a 3-D model exo-Earth, Abstracts of the General Assembly of European Geosciences Union (April 13-18, 2008, Vienna, Austria), session PS9: Extrasolar planets and planet formation session, Geophysical Research Abstracts, v. 10, ID-No.: EGU2008-A-11813 (2008). .

   Ipatov, S.I. and A’Hearn, M.F., Rate of ejection and velocities of material ejected from comet Tempel 1 after the Deep Impact collision, abstracts of 40th DPS Meeting (October 10-15, 2008, Ithaca, NY), The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 40, #3, p. 388-389 (2008).

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation of binaries at the stage of rarefied preplanetesimals, Abstracts of the General Assembly of European Geosciences Union (April 19-24, 2009, Vienna, Austria), session PS8: Extrasolar planets and planet formation session, Geophysical Research Abstracts, ID-No.: EGU2009-10080 (2009)., a poster.

   Ipatov, S.I. and A’Hearn, M.F., Ejection of material after the Deep Impact collision with Comet Tempel 1, abstracts of 40th DDA Meeting (May 2-5, 2009, Virginia Beach, VA, USA). The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, vol. 41, 13.01, p. 906 (2009) , an oral presentation, session 13.

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation of binaries at the stage of rarefied preplanetesimals, abstracts of 40th DDA Meeting (May 2-5, 2009, Virginia Beach, VA, USA). The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, vol. 41, 6.01, p. 898 (2009).

, a poster. 

   Ipatov, S.I. and A'Hearn, M.F., Models of the ejection of material from Comet Tempel 1 caused by the Deep Impact experiment, Abstracts of 41st DPS Meeting (4-9 October 2009, Fajardo, Puerto Rico), The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, vol. 41, No 3, 20.06, p. 1028-1029 (2009)  , an oral presentation.

   Ipatov, S.I., Probabilities of collisions of migrating small bodies and dust particles with planets, Abstracts of the 215th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (3-7 January 2010, Washington, D.C.), 344.01. The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 42, N 1, p. 450 (2010), , an oral presentation.

   Ipatov, S.I., The triggered outburst after the Deep Impact collision with Comet Tempel 1 and the composition of the comet, Abstracts of 42nd DPS Meeting (4-8 October 2010, Pasadena, California). 28.35. The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 42, N 4 (2010) , a poster.

   Ipatov S.I. Formation of the terrestrial planets and the Moon. Abstracts of Virtual American Astronomical Society meeting #236 (1–3 June 2020), id. 113.01. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 52, No. 3. , 

iPoster Plus (poster+oral) –  – iPoster;  (Presenter Name Contains: Ipatov,  - my oral presentation is at the end of session 113).

     Ipatov S.I., Delivery of water and volatiles to planets in the habitable zone in the Proxima Centauri system // Abstracts of the AASTCS Habitable Worlds 2021 Workshop (22-26 February 2021, a virtual conference). Open Engagement Abstracts,  , # 123, p. 63-66.  - an abstract - a poster

AASTCS8, Habitable Worlds 2021, id. 1126.

// Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 2021, Vol. 53, No. 3 e-id 2021n3i1126, 5 pages.

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of planetesimals from the orbit of planet Proxima Centauri c.

DPS-EPSC 2023 (San Antonio, Texas, USA, 1-6 October 2023).  . Program Number: 222.01 . ,   - abstract.   - a poster.


Other abstracts (in English):

   Ipatov S.I., Computer modelling of the process of solar system formation, Abstr. Intern. IMACS Conference "Mathematical modelling and applied mathematics" (June 18-23, 1990, Moscow), pp. 200-201 (1990).

   Ipatov, S.I., Asteroid-type orbit evolution near the 5:2 resonance, Abstr. Intern. Conference "Asteroids, comets, meteors 1991" (June 24-28, 1991, Flagstaff, Arizona), LPI Contribution No 765, p. 98 (1991).

   Ipatov, S.I., Computer simulation of the bodies migration in the forming solar system, Abstr. Intern. Conference "Origin and evolution of the solar system" (August 27-31, 1991, Moscow), p. 31 (1991).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of bodies to the orbit of Earth, Abstracts of the Conference "Hazards due to comets and asteroids" (January 5-9, 1993, Tucson, Arizona) (1993).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of bodies to Earth, Abstr. Intern. Conference "Asteroids, comets, meteors 1993" (June 14-18, 1993, Belgirate, Italy), p. 138 (1993).

   Ipatov, S.I., Interactions of two bodies moving around the Sun, Abstr. of the Conference with international participation "Theoretical, applied, and computer celestial mechanics"  (12-14 October 1993, St. Petersburg, Russia), pp. 48-49 (1993).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of bodies in the accumulation of planets, Abstracts of the Intern. Conference on comparative planetology (June 6-8, 1994, Pasadena, USA) (1994).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of small bodies in the Solar system, Abstracts of the Intern. Conference "Small bodies in the Solar system and their interactions with the planets" (August 8-12, 1994, Mariehamn, Finland). p. 69 (1994).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of celestial bodies and formation of planets, Abstracts of the 20th Intern. Meeting on comparative planetology (October 10-12, 1994, Moscow), pp. 31-32 (1994).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of icy bodies in the Solar System, Abstr. of the Symposium "Solar System Ices" (March 27-30, 1995, Toulouse, France), p. 58 (1995).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of celestial bodies in the Solar System, Abstr. of IAU Symposium 172 "Dynamics, ephemerides and astrometry in the Solar System" (July 3-8, 1995, Paris, France), p. 21-22 (1995).  ,

   Ipatov, S.I., Sources of near-Earth objects, Abstracts of the conference “Tunguska-95” (July 1995, Moscow-Tomsk-Vanavara, USSR) (1995).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of small bodies to Earth from the beyond-Neptune and asteroid belts, Abstr. of Intern. Conference "Asteroids, comets, meteors 1996" (July 8-12, 1996, Versailles, France), p. 19 (1996).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Henrard, J., Orbital evolution at the 2:3 resonance with Neptune, Abstr. of Intern. Conference "Asteroids, comets, meteors 1996" (July 8-12, 1996, Versailles, France), p. 88 (1996).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of small bodies to Earth from the Kuiper belt, Abstr. of Intern. Workshop "Tunguska96" (July 15-17, 1996, Bologna, Italy), p. 30 (1996).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of small bodies to Earth from the beyond-Neptune belt, Abstr. of Intern. Conference "Asteroid hazard-96" (15-19 July, 1996, St. Petersburg, Russia), pp. 59-61 (1996).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of celestial bodies in the forming solar system, Abstracts of 9th Rencontres de Blois (June 22-28, 1997). Blois, France. “Planetary systems: the long view”, p. 50 (1997).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Hahn, G.J., Migration of Kuiper-belt objects inside the solar system, Abstracts of 9th Rencontres de Blois (June 22-28, 1997). Blois, France.  “Planetary systems: the long view”, pp. 35-36 (1997).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Hahn, G.J., Orbital evolution of the objects P/1996 R2 (Lagerkvist) and P/1996 N2 (Elst-Pizarro), Abstracts of 9th Rencontres de Blois (June 22-28, 1997) “Planetary systems: the long view”, pp. 53-54 (1997). Blois, France.

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of objects to the Earth from the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt, Abstracts of Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting for 1997 JENAM-97 (2-5 July 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece), p. 10 (1997).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of small bodies from the Kuiper belt, Abstracts of the 23th General Assembly of the IAU, Joint Discussion 6 (Interaction between planets and small bodies), 22-23 August 1997, Kyoto, Japan,    (only in electronic form) (1997).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of small bodies to Earth,  Abstracts of Joint discussion on comets and minor planets with Japanese  amateur astronomers (August 29-31, 1997, Lake Biwa-Ko, Japan), (1997).

   Ipatov, S.I., Orbital evolution of planets, Abstracts of the international conference "Results and perspectives of investigations of planets: new models and informational technologies" (October 10-14, 1997, Ul'yanovsk, Russia), pp. 16-17 (1997).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of small bodies to the Earth from the trans-Neptunian belt. Abstr. of the Third international conference "90 years of Tunguska problem" (June 30 - July 2, 1998, Krasnoyarsk-Vanavara), p. 25 (1998).  

   Ipatov, S.I., Dynamics of trans-Neptunian objects. Abstracts of the IAU colloquium N 172 "The impact of modern dynamics in astronomy" (July 6-11, 1998, Namur, Belgium), pp. 56-57 (1998).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of Edgeworth-Kuiper belt objects to the Earth. Abstracts of ESO workshop on minor bodies in the outer Solar System (November 2-5, 1998, Garching, Germany), p. 21 (1998).  

   Ipatov, S.I. Formation of the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt and migration of trans-Neptunian objects to the Earth.  Abstracts of the conference "Asteroids, Comets, Meteors" (July 26-30, 1999, Cornell University, USA), pp. 132-133 (1999).

   Ipatov, S.I. Formation of trans-Neptunian objects and their migration to the Earth. Abstracts of the international conference "Comets, asteroids, meteors, meteorites, astroblems, craters" "CAMMAC-99" (September 26 - October 1, 1999, Vinnitsa, Ukraine), ed. Churuymov, p. 21 (1999).

   Ipatov, S.I. Migration of trans-Neptunian objects to the Earth. Abstr. of the conference "Near-Earth astronomy and problems of investigations of small bodies in the Solar System" (October 25-29, 1999, Obninsk), p. 27 (1999).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of matter from the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt to the Earth. Abstracts of IAU Colloquium No 181 and COSPAR Colloquium No. 11 "Dust in the solar system and other planetary systems" (April 10-14, 2000, Canterbury, UK), p. 68 (2000).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of trans-Neptunian bodies to Earth.  Abstracts of the XXV General Assembly of European Geophysical Society (April 25-29, 2000, Nice, France), CD-ROM (2000).

   Ipatov, S.I., Safronov's mass of a protoplanet cloud.  Abstracts of the XXV General Assembly of European Geophysical Society (April 25-29, 2000, Nice, France), CD-ROM (2000).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of small bodies from the main asteroid and Edgeworth-Kuiper belts, Abstracts of JENAM-2000 (May 29-June 3, 2000, Moscow), p. 162 (2000).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of trans-Neptunian bodies to Earth, Abstr. of US- European celestial mechanics workshop (July 3-7, 2000, Poznan, Poland), (only in electronic form). (2000).

    Ipatov, S.I., Comet hazard to the Earth, Abstracts of 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly (July 16-23, 2000, Warsawa, Poland), CD-ROM (2000).

   Ipatov, S.I., Evolution of the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt, Abstracts of the 24th General Assembly of the IAU (August 7-18, 2000, Manchester, UK), p. 156 (2000).  

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of bodies during planet formation, Abstracts of the 24th General Assembly of the IAU (August 7-18, 2000, Manchester, UK), p. 45 (2000).  

   Ipatov S.I., Migration of Tunguska-type objects from the trans-Neptunian belt to the Earth, Abstracts of the Symposium on small satellites (August 23-27, 2000, Third International Aerospace Congress, Moscow), floppy disk (pp. 299-300 for Russian text) (2000).

   Ipatov S.I., Evolution of the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt and migration of its bodies inside the Solar System, Abstracts of the international conference “The Forth Vsekhsvyatsky Readings. Modern problems of physics and dynamics of the Solar System” (October 5-9, 2000, Kyiv, Ukraine), ed. K.I. Churyumov, pp. 20-21 (2000).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mardon, A.A., Delivery of trans-Neptunian objects to the Earth. Abstracts of Near-Earth asteroid sample return workshop (December 11-12, 2000, LPI, Houston, USA), p. 21,  print-only presentations,  (2000).

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation of trans-Neptunian objects. Abstracts of the XXVI General Assembly of European Geophysical Society (March 25-30, 2001, Nice, France), CD-ROM ( ) (2001).

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation of trans-Neptunian objects and asteroids. Abstracts of the conference “Asteroids 2001: From Piazzi to the 3rd Millennium” (June 11-16, 2001, Santa Flavia, Palermo, Italy), pp. 307-308 (2001) (VIII.7).  

   Marov, M.Ya. and Ipatov, S.I., Asteroids migration: Role in the inner planets evolution. Abstracts of the conference “Asteroids 2001: From Piazzi to the 3rd Millennium” (June 11-16, 2001, Santa Flavia, Palermo, Italy), p. 215 (2001). (IV.13).  

   Ipatov, S.I. Migration of bodies from the trans-Neptunian belt. Abstr. of the Forth international conference on classical and celestial mechanics (August 15-20, 2001, V. Luki, Russia), p. 75 (English text), pp. 73-74 (Russian text) (2001)

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of trans-Neptunian objects to a near-Earth space. Abstracts of workshop “From here to Pluto-Charon: The new horizons Pluto-Kuiper Belt mission” (20-21 May, 2002, Boulder, Colorado, USA) (2002).

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation and migration of trans-Neptunian objects. Abstracts of international conference “Scientific Frontiers in Research of Extrasolar Planets” (18-21 June 2002, Washington D.C., USA), p. 44 (2002).

   Ipatov, S.I. Formation and Migration of Trans-Neptunian Objects and Asteroids. Abstracts of the conference “Asteroids, comets, meteors, 2002” (July 29 - August 2, 2002, Berlin), p. 58, #05-26p, (   ) (2002).

   Ipatov, S.I., Orbital evolution of Jupiter-crossers and asteroids, Abstracts of the conference “Current status and perspectives of international researches in observational astronomy, ecology, and extreme physiology in the Elbrus region (ASTROECO-2002)” (12-16 August, 2002, Terskol, Russia) (2002).

   Ipatov, S.I., Mather, J.C., Decoupling comets from Jupiter, Abstracts of JENAM 2002 “The Unsolved Universe: Challenges for the Future” (2-7 September 2002, Porto, Portugal) (2002).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Comet and asteroid hazard to the terrestrial planets. Abstracts of 34th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) at the 2nd World Space Congress (10-19 October 2002, Houston, Texas, USA) (ID Nr: COSPAR02-A-00845), CD-ROM (  ) (2002).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of trans-Neptunian objects to the terrestrial planets, Abstracts of the international scientific workshop on the "First Decadal Review of the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt - Towards New Frontiers" (11-14 March 2003, Antofagasta, Chile) (2003).

   Ipatov, S.I., Mather, J.C., Taylor, P., Migration of dust in the solar system, Abstracts of the Astrophysics of Dust Symposium (26-30 May 2003, Estes Park, Co, USA), P.2.23 (  ) (2003) .

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of trans-Neptunian objects to the terrestrial planets, Abstracts of the Fourth International Aerospace Congress (18-23 August, 2003, Moscow), Symposium on small satellites, Russia. Moscow: SIP RIA, 2003, 473-474 (in English), 471-472 (in Russian) (2003).

   Ipatov, S.I. Migration of trans-Neptunian objects to the Earth, Abstracts of the international conference “Near-Earth Astronomy – 2003” (NEA-2003) (9-14 September, 2003, Terskol, Russia), p. 17 ( )  (2003).

   Ipatov, S.I. Migration of dust to the near-Earth space, Abstracts of the international conference “Near-Earth Astronomy – 2003” (NEA-2003) (9-14 September, 2003, Terskol, Russia), p. 19 ( )  (2003).

   Ipatov, S.I. Formation and migration of trans-Neptunian objects and asteroids, Abstracts of mini-symposium “Dynamics of formation, evolution and stability of planetary systems” at JENAM-2003 (25-30 August 2003, Budapest, Hungary), (2003).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of dust particles from Comet 2P Encke, Abstracts of workshop on cometary dust in astrophysics (Crystal Mountain, Washington, August 10-15, 2003), N 6039,  

[or start   , then `program’, `poster session’]  (2003).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of comets and asteroids to near-Earth space, Abstracts of 1st General Assembly of European Geosciences Union (Nice, France, 25-30 April 2004), ID-NR: EGU04-A-02392 (2004).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of small bodies and dust to near-Earth space, Abstracts of 35th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004), Abstract-Nr. COSPAR04-A-01012 (2004), CD-ROM,  .  

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation and migration of trans-Neptunian objects, Abstracts of the second TPF/Darwin international conference “Dust disks and the formation, evolution and detection of habitable planets” (Mission Bay, San Diego, California, July 26-29, 2004). (2004).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of small bodies and dust to terrestrial planets, Abstracts of  the IAU Colloq. N 197 “Dynamics of populations of planetary systems” (Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 31 August – 4 September, 2004), p. 48 (2004).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of interplanetary dust and small bodies, Abstracts of the IAU Symposium 229 “Asteroids, Comets, Meteors – 2005” (7-12 August 2005, Buzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), p. 25,   (2005)

   Ipatov, S.I. and A’Hearn, M.F., Automatic recognition of cosmic rays at Deep Impact CCDs, Abstracts of the IAU Symposium 229 “Asteroids, Comets, Meteors – 2005” (7-12 August 2005, Buzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), p. 11-12;   (2005)

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather J.C., Probabilities of collisions of Jupiter-family comets with the terrestrial planets, First International Conference on Impact Cratering in the Solar System (ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 08-12 May, 2006), (2006)

   Ipatov, S.I. [misprinted as Sergei, I.I.], Mather, J.C., Marov, M.Ya., Migration of icy bodies to the terrestrial planets, 2006 Joint Assembly (a partnership between AGU, GS, MAS, MSA, SEG, and UGM; 23-26 May 2006, Baltimore, Maryland, USA),  or  [use SERGEI as author] (2006). Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract P32A-07.

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Dynamic of interplanetary dust and comets, Abstracts of 36th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) (16-23 July 2006, Beijing, China) (ID Nr: COSPAR2006-A-00458) (2006).

   Ipatov, S.I. A'Hearn, M.F., Klaasen, K.P., Desnoyer, M., Lindler, D.. Automatic recognition and removal of cosmic rays at Deep Impact CCDs, Abstracts of 36th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) (16-23 July 2006, Beijing, China) (ID Nr: COSPAR2006-A-00459) (2006).

   Ipatov, S.I. and A'Hearn, M.F., Velocities of material ejected from comet Temple 1, Abstracts of 36th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) (16-23 July 2006, Beijing, China) (ID Nr: COSPAR2006-A-00460) (2006).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of Comets into NEO Orbits and Probabilities of Their Collisions with the Terrestrial Planets, Abstracts of 26th IAU General Assembly (14-25 August 2006, Prague, Czech Republic; session S236) #0361;  (2006); , Abstract No.: S236-56 , p. 90 (2006).

   Ipatov, S.I. and A'Hearn, M.F., Velocities of Dust Particles Ejected from Comet Tempel 1, Abstracts of 26th IAU General Assembly (14-25 August 2006, Prague, Czech Republic; JD10) #0362; ,   

Abstract No.: JD10-19, p. 348 (2006).  

   Ipatov, S.I. A'Hearn, M.F., Klaasen, K.P., Desnoyer, M., Lindler, D. Automatic Removal of Cosmic Rays on Deep Impact CCDs, Abstracts of 26th IAU General Assembly (14-25 August 2006, Prague, Czech Republic; JD10) #0364; , , Abstract No.: JD10-16, p. 348 (2006).

   Marov, M.Ya. and Ipatov, S.I., Volatiles Delivery to the Terrestrial Planets, Abstracts of 26th IAU General Assembly (14-25 August 2006, Prague, Czech Republic; JD11) #0365;  , Abstract No.: JD11-24, p. 359 (2006). 

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of Interplanetary Dust and Comets, Abstracts of the European Planetary Science Congress 2006 (Berlin, Germany, 18 – 22 September 2006), p.197, (2006), CD-ROM, EPSC2006-A-00197, or  start from

   Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Sources of zodiacal dust particles, Abstracts of the European Planetary Science Congress 2007 (Potsdam, Germany, 19-24 August 2007), ID-NR: EPSC2007-A-00209, (2007).

   Ipatov, S.I., Sources of zodiacal dust, Abstracts of the conference “Near-Earth astronomy-2007” (Terskol, Russia, 3-7 September 2007), p. 20 (2007).

   Marov, M.Ya. and Ipatov, S.I., Volatiles and biogenic matter delivery by small bodies and dust particles, Abstracts of the 2-nd international conference “Biosphere origin and evolution” (Loutraki, Greece, October 28 – November 2, 2007), (2007) CD-ROM, ,   p. 31-32.

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of comets into NEO orbits and probabilities of their collisions with the Earth, Abstracts of the international conference “100 years since Tunguska phenomenon: Past, present and future” (Moscow, Russia, June 26-28, 2008), p. 125 (English), p. 124 (Russian). (2008) ,

   Ipatov, S.I. and A'Hearn, M.F., Velocities of material ejected from a comet at its collision with a celestial body, Abstracts of the conference “100 years since Tunguska phenomenon: Past, present and future” (Moscow, Russia, June 26-28, 2008), p. 127 (English), p. 126 (Russian). (2008). ,

   Ipatov, S.I. and A'Hearn, M.F., Velocities and relative amount of material ejected from comet Tempel 1 after the Deep Impact collision, Abstracts of 37th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) (Montréal, Canada, 13 - 20 July 2008), abstract ID is 2960, Paper number: B04-0052-08, p. 1323 (2008) or

   Ipatov, S.I. and A'Hearn, M.F., Deep Impact ejection from Comet 9P/Tempel 1 as a triggered outburst, Abstracts of 27th IAU General Assembly (3-14 August 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Symp. 263) #0495, p. 52, a poster.

   Ipatov, S.I., Angular momentum of two collided rarefied preplanetesimals and formation of binaries, Abstracts of 27th IAU General Assembly (3-14 August 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Symp. 263) #0496, p. 52, a poster.

   Ipatov, S.I., Collision probabilities of migrating small bodies and dust particles with planets, Abstracts of 27th IAU General Assembly (3-14 August 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Symp. 263) #0498, p. 53, a poster.

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation of small-body binaries at the stage of rarefied preplanetesimals, Abstracts of “Near-Earth astronomy 2009” (23-27 August, 2009, Kazan, Russia), a poster.

   Ipatov, S.I. Formation of trans-Neptunian binaries at the stage of rarefied preplanetesimals, Abstracts of the conference “TNO 2010: Dynamical and Physical properties of Trans-Neptunian Objects” (Philadelphia, June 27 - July 1, 2010), a poster.

   Ipatov, S.I. and A'Hearn, M.F., Triggered outburst after the collision of the Deep Impact impactor with Comet Tempel 1, Abstracts of 38th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) (Bremen, Germany, 18-25 July 2010), abstract ID is 5702, Paper number: B04-0056-10. , a poster.

   Ipatov, S.I., Cavities as a source of outbursts from comets, Abstracts of DPS-EPSC 2011 joint meeting, (2–7 October 2011, Nantes, France), EPSC abstracts, Vol. 6, EPSC-DPS2011-586, 2011. , a poster.

   Ipatov, S.I., Angular momenta of rarefied preplanetesimals and formation of small-body binaries, Abstracts of the conference "Signposts of planets" (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, October 18-20, 2011). , a poster.

   Ipatov, S.I., Sources of the zodiacal dust cloud, Abstracts of the conference "Signposts of planets" (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, October 18-20, 2011). , a poster.

   Ipatov, S.I., Cavities as a source of outbursts from comets, Abstracts of the conference JENAM-2011, European week of astronomy and space science (St. Petersburg, Russia, 4-8 July 2011), S2-9, a poster.

   Ipatov, S.I., Collision probabilities of small bodies and dust particles with planets, Abstracts of the international conference "Near-Earth astronomy" (Krasnoyarsk, 5-10 September, 2011).

   Ipatov, S.I. Cavities in Comet Tempel 1 excavated after the Deep Impact collision, Abstracts of 39th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) (Mysore, India, 14-22 July 2012), abstract ID is 12188, Paper number: B0.4-0046-12, a poster.

   Ipatov, S.I., Angular momenta of collided rarefied preplanetesimals, Abstracts of 28th IAU General Assembly (20-31 August 2012, Beijing, China ), #5517, IAUS 293. p. 547-548, a poster.

   Ipatov, S.I., Location of the upper border of the main cavity excavated after the Deep Impact collision, Abstracts of 28th IAU General Assembly (20-31 August 2012, Beijing, China), #5494, JD5, p. 868-869, an oral presentation.

   Ipatov, S.I., Horne, K., Alsubai, K., Bramich, D., Dominik, M., Hundertmark, M., Liebig, C., Snodgrass, C., Street, R., Tsapras, Y., Simulator for microlens planet surveys, Abstracts of 28th IAU General Assembly (20-31 August 2012, Beijing, China), #5753, IAUS 293. p. 583-584. A poster.

   Ipatov, S.I., Outbursts and cavities in comets, Abstracts of the Joint Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum and Arab Expatriate Scientists Network 2012 (21-23 October 2012, Doha, Qatar), Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings: Vol. 2012, EEP15. . A poster.

   Ipatov, S., Outbursts and cavities in comets, Abstracts of “The Fourth Moscow Solar System Symposium 4M-S3” (Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 14-18, 2013), 4MS3-PS-38, CD-ROM or . 2013. P. 203. A poster.

   Ipatov, S., The angular momentum of colliding rarefied preplanetesimals allows the formation of binaries, Abstracts of “The Fourth Moscow Solar System Symposium 4M-S3” (Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 14-18, 2013), 4MS3-PS-39, CD-ROM or . 2013. P. 204. A poster.

   Ipatov, S.I., Angular momenta of collided rarefied preplanetesimals, Poster in Session PD3/EX4, Abstracts of European Planetary Science Congress 2013 (08 – 13 September 2013, London, UK), .

Presentation:, a poster.

   Ipatov, S.I., Cavities in comets, Oral Program SB10, Abstracts of European Planetary Science Congress 2013 (08 – 13 September 2013, London, UK), .

Presentation:, an oral presentation.

   Ipatov, S.I., Horne K., Alsubai, K., Bramich, D., Dominik, M., Hundertmark, M., Liebig, C., Snodgrass, C., Street, R., Tsapras, Y., Exoplanet detection capability of microlensing observations, Poster Program EX5, Abstracts of European Planetary Science Congress 2013 (08 – 13 September 2013, London, UK),

Presentation: , a poster.

   Ipatov, S.I., The role of collisions of rarefied preplanetesimals in formation of satellites of small bodies, Abstracts of International conference “Near-Earth astronomy 2013” (Krasnodar, Russia, 7-11 October 2013). P. 87-88. A poster.

   Ipatov, S.I., Cavities in comets, Abstracts of International conference “Near-Earth astronomy 2013” (Krasnodar, Russia, 7-11 October 2013). P. 37-38. An oral presentation.

   Ipatov, S.I., Keith, H., Alsubai, K., Bramich, D., Dominik, M., Hundertmark, M., Liebig, C., Snodgrass, C., Street, R., Tsapras, Y., Exoplanet detection capability of microlensing observations, a poster at the session 5, Abstracts of the 1st COSPAR Symposium “Planetary systems of our Sun and other stars, and the future of space astronomy” (Bangkok, Thailand, 11-15 November 2013), p. 116.

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation and migration of planetesimals, an oral presentation at the session 5, Abstracts of the 1st COSPAR Symposium “Planetary systems of our Sun and other stars, and the future of space astronomy” (Bangkok, Thailand, 11-15 November 2013), p. 118.

   Ipatov, S.I., Delivery of water and volatiles to the terrestrial planets, an oral presentation at the session 4, Abstracts of the 1st COSPAR Symposium “Planetary systems of our Sun and other stars, and the future of space astronomy” (Bangkok, Thailand, 11-15 November 2013), p. 88.

   Ipatov, S.I. and Cho, J.Y-K. Synthetic spectra from a general circulation simulation of a model extrasolar Earth, a poster at the session 4, Abstracts of the 1st COSPAR Symposium “Planetary systems of our Sun and other stars, and the future of space astronomy” (Bangkok, Thailand, 11-15 November 2013), p. 101.

   Ipatov, S.I. Outbursts from cavities in comets, Abstracts of the 5th Bredikhin International conference (Zavolzsk, Russia, 12-16 May, 2014), p. 17. An oral presentation.

   Ipatov S.I. Outbursts from cavities in comets, Abstracts of the Asteroids, Comets, Meteors conference (June 30–July 4, 2014, Helsinki, Finland), Karri Muinonen, Antti Penttilä, Mikael Granvik, Anne Virkki, Grigori Fedorets, Olli Wilkman, and Tomas Kohout (eds.), a USB flash drive and website, p. 249 in , an oral presentation.

   Ipatov S.I. The Earth-Moon system as a typical binary in the Solar System, Abstracts of the Asteroids, Comets, Meteors conference (June 30–July 4, 2014, Helsinki, Finland), Karri Muinonen, Antti Penttilä, Mikael Granvik, Anne Virkki, Grigori Fedorets, Olli Wilkman, and Tomas Kohout (eds.), a USB flash drive and website, p. 248 in   , an oral presentation.

   Ipatov, S.I. Outbursts and cavities in comets, Abstracts of 40th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) (Moscow, Russia, 02 - 10 August 2014), abstract ID is 12736, B0.4-0039-14, a USB flash drive and website,, an oral presentation.

   Ipatov, S.I. Formation of satellites of trans-Neptunian objects at the stage of rarefied preplanetesimals, Abstracts of 40th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) (Moscow, Russia, 02 - 10 August 2014), abstract ID is 12600, B0.3-0029-14, a USB flash drive and website,, an oral presentation.

   Ipatov, S.I. and Marov M.Ya. Migration of small bodies and dust to the terrestrial planets, Abstracts of IX international conference “Near-Earth astronomy” (August 31 – September 5, 2015, Terskol, Russia),, , pp. 6-7, an oral presentation. 

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation of embryos of the Earth-Moon system at the stage of rarefied condensations, Poster in Session EX3, Abstracts of European Planetary Science Congress 2015 (27 September – 02 October 2015, Nantes, France), EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 10, EPSC2015-310, 2015,, a poster presentation.

    Ipatov, S.I., Marov M.Ya., Migration of icy planetesimals to forming terrestrial planets, Abstracts of 41st Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) (Istanbul, Turkey, 30 July - 7 August 2016), presentation number B0.5-0011-16, selected for an oral presentation. COSPAR-2016 has been cancelled.

    Ipatov, S.I., Formation and growth of embryos of the Earth-Moon system, Abstracts of 41st Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) (Istanbul, Turkey, 30 July - 7 August 2016), presentation number B0.5-0017-16, selected for a poster presentation. COSPAR-2016 has been cancelled.

     Ipatov, S.I., Marov, M.Ya. Migration of small bodies to the terrestrial planets. Abstracts of the 6th Bredikhin International conference (Zavolzsk, Russia, 4-8 September, 2017), р. 26, an oral presentation. Website of the conference:  .

     Ipatov, S.I. Formation of satellite systems of small bodies and the embryos of the Moon and the Earth. Abstracts of the 6th Bredikhin International conference (Zavolzsk, Russia, 4-8 September, 2017), p. 27, an oral presentation. Website of the conference: .

     Ipatov, S.I., Formation and growth of embryos of the Earth and the Moon. Abstracts of European Planetary Science Congress 2017 (17–22 September 2017, Riga, Latvia), EPSC2017-355,  , a poster presentation - .

     Ipatov, S.I., Formation of trans-Neptunian satellite systems at the stage of rarefied condensations, Abstracts of European Planetary Science Congress 2017 (17–22 September 2017, Riga, Latvia), EPSC2017-225,  , an oral presentation - .

     Ipatov, S.I., Marov, M. Ya. Migration of icy objects to forming terrestrial planets. Abstracts of European Planetary Science Congress 2017 (17–22 September 2017, Riga, Latvia), EPSC2017-211, , an oral presentation - .

     Ipatov, S.I. Formation of satellite systems of small bodies and the embryos of the Moon and the Earth, Abstracts of “The X international conference «Near-Earth Astronomy-2017” (Agoy, Krasnodar region, Russia, October 2-6, 2017). P. 8. An oral presentation. Website of the conference:  .*=hA2OT0drleOHLXXG6roDUco%2BLfh7InVybCI6InlhLWRpc2stcHVibGljOi8vU09DMUlSVnRrZGZndHBnUEFFNDBORkRtamF6L3pLRXpxbGFMR3dBeVZ1WT0iLCJ0aXRsZSI6Ik9aQS0yMDE3IEFic3RhY3QgYm9vay5wZGYiLCJ1aWQiOiIwIiwieXUiOiI4MjY5MzA3MzQxNTE1NTIxMzUwIiwibm9pZnJhbWUiOmZhbHNlLCJ0cyI6MTUxNzYwNzIzNTIwOX0%3D – abstract book.

    Ipatov, S.I., Elenin, L.V. Suggested models of the probabilities of discovery of near-Earth objects in different regions of the sky based on studies of migration of celestial bodies, Abstracts of “The X international conference «Near-Earth Astronomy-2017” (Agoy, Krasnodar region, Russia, October 2-6, 2017). P. 23. An oral presentation. Website of the conference: , .*=hA2OT0drleOHLXXG6roDUco%2BLfh7InVybCI6InlhLWRpc2stcHVibGljOi8vU09DMUlSVnRrZGZndHBnUEFFNDBORkRtamF6L3pLRXpxbGFMR3dBeVZ1WT0iLCJ0aXRsZSI6Ik9aQS0yMDE3IEFic3RhY3QgYm9vay5wZGYiLCJ1aWQiOiIwIiwieXUiOiI4MjY5MzA3MzQxNTE1NTIxMzUwIiwibm9pZnJhbWUiOmZhbHNlLCJ0cyI6MTUxNzYwNzIzNTIwOX0%3D  – abstract book.

   Ipatov S.I. Formation of satellite systems of small bodies and the embryos of the Moon and the Earth. Abstracts of 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Pasadena, California, USA, 14-22 July 2018), presentation number B1.3-0049-18, a poster. , p. 326.  .

   Ipatov S.I. Marov M.Ya. Migration of bodies from beyond Jupiter’s orbit to the Earth and the Moon. Abstracts of 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Pasadena, California, USA, 14-22 July 2018), presentation number B1.3-0050-18, a poster. , p. 326-327.  .

   Marov M.Ya., Ipatov S.I. Water inventory from beyond the Jupiter orbit to the terrestrial planets and the Moon. Abstracts of XXXth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (Vienna, Austria, August 20-31, 2018), an oral presentation.  (only the first author is in the web file).

   Ipatov S.I. Formation of the Earth-Moon system. Abstracts of XXXth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (Vienna, Austria, August 20-31, 2018), an oral presentation. .

   Ipatov S.I., Feoktistova E.A., Svetsov V.V. Near-Earth object population and formation of lunar craters during the last billion of years. Abstracts of XXXth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (Vienna, Austria, August 20-31, 2018), a poster,  (only the first author is in the web file).

   Ipatov S.I. Formation of trans-Neptunian satellite systems at the stage of rarefied condensations. Abstracts of XXXth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (Vienna, Austria, August 20-31, 2018), a poster,  .

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of bodies to the Earth from different distances from the Sun. EPSC Abstracts Vol. 12, EPSC2018-516, 2018. European Planetary Science Congress 2018 (Technische Universitat Berlin, 16–21 September 2018, Berlin, Germany), a poster P36 at session: Exo-2 formation and dynamical evolution of planetary systems.  . a poster.

   Marov M.Ya., Ipatov S.I. Delivery of water from beyond Jupiter’s orbit to the terrestrial planets and the Moon. Abstracts of EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 (15–20 September 2019, Geneva, Switzerland), Vol. 13, EPSC-DPS2019-458-1, 2019. a poster.

   Ipatov S.I. The Earth-Moon system as a typical satellite system in the Solar System. Abstracts of EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 (15–20 September 2019, Geneva, Switzerland), Vol. 13, EPSC-DPS2019-733, 2019. . a poster.

   Ipatov S.I. Initial distances from the Sun for planetesimals that collided with forming terrestrial planets and the Moon. Abstracts of EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 (15–20 September 2019, Geneva, Switzerland), Vol. 13, EPSC-DPS2019-462-1, 2019. . a poster.

   Ipatov S.I. Angular momenta of colliding rarefied condensations Abstracts of EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 (15–20 September 2019, Geneva, Switzerland), Vol. 13, EPSC-DPS2019-2034, 2019.  . a poster.

   M.Ya. Marov, S.I. Ipatov. “Migration of planetesimals from different distances from the feeding zone of the giant planets to the terrestrial planets and the Moon”. Abstracts of the XI International scientific conference “Near-Earth astronomy and space heritage” (September 30 – October 4, 2019, Kazan, Russia),  ,  , p. 65-66. An oral presentation.

   S.I. Ipatov. “Probabilities of collisions of planetesimals from different parts of the feeding zone of the terrestrial planets with the forming planets, the Moon, and their embryos”, Abstracts of the XI International scientific conference “Near-Earth astronomy and space heritage” (September 30 – October 4, 2019, Kazan, Russia).  ,  , p. 60-61. A poster.

    S.I. Ipatov, E.A. Feoktistova, V.V. Svettsov. “Estimates of variations in the number of near-Earth objects based on the ages of lunar craters over the past billion years”. Abstracts of the XI International scientific conference “Near-Earth astronomy and space heritage” (September 30 – October 4, 2019, Kazan, Russia),  ,  , с. 46-47. An oral presentation.

   Ipatov S. I., Feoktistova E. A.,  Svetsov V. V. Estimates of the number of near-Earth objects based on the number of lunar craters formed during the last billion years [#2038] // 11th Planetary Crater Consortium Meeting (August 5-7, 2020). , 2 pages. An oral presentation.  – my presentation

        Feoktistova E. A., Ipatov S. I. Depths of the Lunar Copernicans Craters. [#2021] // 11th Planetary Crater Consortium Meeting (August 5-7, 2020). . Print only, 2 pages.

     Ipatov S. I. Migration of planetesimals from beyond Mars’ orbit to the Earth. 14th Europlanet Science Congress 2020, online, 21 September–9 Oct 2020, EPSC2020-71, 2020., , , ,

5 pages, an oral presentation - - presentation.

   Ipatov S.I. Probabilities of collisions of planetesimals with exoplanets in the Proxima Centauri planetary system. 14th Europlanet Science Congress 2020, online, 21 September–9 Oct 2020, EPSC2020-416, 2020. , . , 2 pages, a poster - .

     Ipatov S.I., Feoktistova E.A., Svetsov V.V., Estimates of variations in the number of near-Earth objects based on the ages of lunar craters over the past billion years // Abstracts, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Sydney, Australia, 28 January – 4 February, 2021).  B3.1-0027-21. – an abstract;  - a poster; - a video presentation

     Ipatov S.I., Formation of the terrestrial planets from planetesimals originated at different distances from the Sun // Abstracts, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Sydney, Australia, 28 January – 4 February, 2021). B0.1-0036-21. - an abstract; - a poster;  – a video presentation 

   Ipatov S. I., Marov M. Ya. Collisions of small bodies with forming Earth and Moon. Abstracts of international conference “VII Bredikhin conference, May 24-28, 2021, Zavolzsk, Russia), c. 20-22.

    Ipatov S. I. Exocometary bombardment of planets in the habitable zone in the Proxima Centauri planetary system. Abstracts of international conference “VII Bredikhin conference, May 24-28, 2021, Zavolzsk, Russia), с. 18-19.

    Ipatov, S.I. Migration of planetesimals to the Earth and the Moon from the region of the outer asteroid belt, European Planetary Science Congress 2021, online, 13–24 Sep 2021, EPSC2021-100, 3 pages. , 2021. , an oral presentationб

   S.I. Ipatov, Migration of planetesimals to forming terrestrial planets, Abstracts of IAU Symposium 364 “Multi-scale (time and mass) dynamics of space objects” (18-22 October 2021, Iaşi, Romania), The book of abstracts is available at:   . p. 31.

an oral presentation.

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of bodies to the Earth from different distances from the Sun. Abstracts of IAU General Assembly (Busan, South Korea, Aug. 2-11, 2022). 2022. No 3066. P. 708. . - e-talk .

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of bodies ejected from the Earth into heliocentric orbits. Abstracts of IAU General Assembly (Busan, South Korea, Aug. 2-11, 2022). 2022. No 3107. P. 1398. - e-poster.

   Ipatov S.I. Motion of planetesimals in the Proxima Centauri planetary system // Abstracts of IAU General Assembly (Busan, South Korea, Aug. 2-11, 2022). 2022. No 3070. P. 1404. - e-talk. - URL: , URL:

    Ipatov S. I. Migration of exocomets in the Proxima Centauri and Trappist 1 planetary systems. Abstracts of international conference “VIII Bredikhin conference, September 4-8, 2023, Zavolzsk, Russia). . P. 11-12. an oral presentation.

    Ipatov S. I. Exchange of meteorites between the Earth and the Moon. Abstracts of international conference “VIII Bredikhin conference, September 4-8, 2023, Zavolzsk, Russia), . P. 32-33. an oral presentation.  – conference website.  - conference program

    Ipatov S.I. Delivery of material to the terrestrial planets and the Moon at the late stages of their formation. Earth and Planets Origin and Evolution Workshop 2024. Paris – May 13-17. 2024. Abstracts. . A poster.

   Ipatov S.I. Probabilities of collisions of bodies ejected from the Earth with the terrestrial planets and the Moon. 45th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. 13 - 21 July 2024. A poster no TWT-032. - abstracts. – the session COSPAR-2024-B0.1: PLANETARY SCIENCE HIGHLIGHTS.

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of bodies in the Proxima Centauri and Trappist 1 planetary systems. IAU Symposium 393: Planetary Science and Exoplanets in the Era of the James Webb Space Telescope (August 13-15, 2024, Cape Town, South Africa). Abstract no 288. . - abstracts book, p. 2378.  . - a poster.

Poster session on Aug 14 from 15:00, screen number 71.

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of bodies ejected from the Earth and the Moon. IAU Symposium 393: Planetary Science and Exoplanets in the Era of the James Webb Space Telescope (August 13-15, 2024, Cape Town, South Africa). Abstracts. A poster. Abstract no 289. - abstracts book, p. 2379. .  - a poster.

In    make a search for ipatov

Poster session on Aug 15 from 10:00, screen number 73.

   Ipatov S.I. Motion of planetesimals and dust particles in the Proxima Centauri planetary system.  Europlanet Science Congress 2024. Berlin, Germany. 8–13 September 2024. Abstract EPSC2024-68. A poster. Virtual presentation in EXOA4 – Astrobiology and Origins. EPSC Abstracts

Vol. 17, EPSC2024-68, 2024. , 2024. -abstract.

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of bodies ejected from the terrestrial planets. Europlanet Science Congress 2024. Berlin, Germany. 8–13 September 2024. Abstract EPSC2024-51. Virtual presentation in TP9 – Impact Processes in the Solar System. EPSC Abstracts. Vol. 17, EPSC2024-51, 2024. , - abstract.


Abstracts (only in Russian):

   Ipatov, S.I., Computer simulations of the evolution of disks of gravitating bodies moving around the central massive body. Abstracts of YI all-Union congress on theoretical and applied mechanics (Tashkent, September 1986), p. 314 (1986).

   Ipatov, S.I., Computer simulation of the evolution of disks of gravitating bodies moving around the Sun. Abstracts of the all-Union conference "Methods of computer construction of models of classical and celestial mechanics - 89" Section 1. (Leningrad, 21-23 November 1989), pp. 41-42 (1989).

   Ipatov, S.I., Evolution of asteroidal orbits near the 5:2 resonance, Abstracts of the all-Union conference "Methods of investigations of motion, physics, and dynamics of minor bodies of the Solar system" (Dyushanbe, 22-26 August 1989), p. 33 (1989).

   Ipatov, S.I., Methods for choosing the pairs of contacting objects in the evolving disk. Abstracts of the all-Union conference "Algorithms and programs of celestial mechanics" (Leningrad, 20-21 November 1990), pp. 31-32 (1990).

   Ipatov, S.I., Computer simulations of the migration of bodies in the forming solar system. Abstracts of YII all-Union congress on theoretical and applied mechanics (Moscow, 15-21 October, 1991), pp. 172-173 (1991).

   Ipatov. S.I., Migration of bodies to the Earth. Abstr. of the conference (with international participation) "Asteroid hazard-93" (May 25-27, 1993, St. Petersburg), ITA, St. Petersburg, pp. 58-59 (1993).

   Eneev, T.M., Axmetshin, R.Z., Ivashkin, V.V., Ipatov. S.I., Smirnov, V.V., Ballistical analysis of the problem of the asteroid hazard mitigation. Abstr. of the conference (with international participation) "Asteroid hazard-93" (May 25-27, 1993, St.Petersburg), ITA, St. Petersburg, p. 94 (1993).

   Ipatov, S.I., Interaction of two objects moving in close orbits, Abstr. of the conference "Physics of Moon and Planets" (June 7-10, 1994, Kharkov, Ukraine), p. 46 (1994).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of bodies in the Solar system, Abstr. of the conference "Physics of Moon and Planets" (June 7-10, 1994, Kharkov, Ukraine), pp. 47-48 (1994).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of bodies in the forming Solar System. Abstr. of the Intern. conference "Modern problems of theoretical astronomy" (June 20-24, 1994, St. Petersburg), ITA, St. Petersburg, vol. 2, pp. 33-35 (1994).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of celestial bodies to the Earth. Abstr. of the XXII Meteoritic conference (December 6-8, 1994, Chernogolovka), pp. 41-42 (1994).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Ivashkin, V.V., Possible sources and replenishment mechanisms of near-Earth celestial bodies. Abstr. of the conference (with international participation) "Asteroid hazard-95" (May 23-25, 1995, St. Petersburg), ITA, St. Petersburg, vol. 2, pp. 55-56 (1995).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of celestial bodies in the solar system. Abstr. of the Second conference on classical and celestial mechanics (August 23-27, 1996, V. Luki), pp. 35-37 (1996).

   Ipatov, S.I. and Hahn, G.J., Evolution of the orbits of the objects P/1996 R2 and P/1996 N2. Abstr. of the conference (with international participation) "Problems of celestial mechanics" (June 3-6, 1997, St. Petersburg), ITA, St. Petersburg, pp. 92-95 (1997).

   Ipatov, S.I., Mutual gravitational influence of the bodies of the beyond-Neptune belt, Abstr. of the conference "New theoretical results and practical problems of celestial mechanics" (December 2-4, 1997, Moscow), pp. 45-46 (1997).

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation and evolution of the trans-Neptunian belt. Abstr. of the Third international conference on classical and celestial mechanics (August 23-28, 1998, V. Luki), pp. 75-77 (1998).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of celestial bodies to the Earth from the trans-Neptunian and asteroid belts Abstr. of the conference “Astrometry, geodynamics and celestial mechanics at the threshold of the XXI century" (June 19-24, 2000, St. Petersburg), St. Petersburg, IPA RAS, pp. 292-293 (2000).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of trans-Neptunian bodies to the Earth, Abstr. of the conference “New results in analytical and qualitative celestial mechanics” (December 5-6, 2000, Moscow), Moscow, SAI, p. 42 (2000).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of trans-Neptunian bodies to the Earth, Abstracts of the conference “Near-Earth astronomy of XXI century” (May 21-25, 2001, Zvenigorod, Moscow region), pp. 79-80 (2001). .

   Ipatov, S.I., Formation and evolution of the trans-Neptunian belt, Abstracts of the all-Russian astronomical conference 2001, St.-Petersburg, August 6-12, pp. 77-78 (2001).

   Ipatov, S.I., Migration of celestial bodies to the Earth from the trans-Neptunian and asteroids belts, Abstracts of the YIII all-Union congress on theoretical and applied mechanics (August 23-29, 2001, Perm), Ekatirenburg, UrO RAN, p. 296 (2001).

   Emelyanenko, V.V. and Ipatov, S.I., Migration of celestial bodies from various regions of the solar system to a near-Earth space, Abstracts of the conference “International collaboration in astronomy: actual state and prospective” of EEAS 6th general meeting (May 25 – June 2, 2002, Moscow, in Russian), pp.26-27 (2002).

   Ipatov S.I. Formation of planetesimals from rarefied preplanetesimals. In: “The modern understanding of the Solar System and open questions”. All-Russian Internet-conference with international participation. Conference proceedings (Kazan, 10 December 2013). Service of virtual conferences Pax Grid; ed. by Sinyaev D.N. Kazan. 2013. 115 с.- ISBN 978-5-906217-39-4. p. 43. An oral presentation.

   Ipatov, S.I., Horne, K., Efficiency of a search of exoplanets by the mircolensing method with the use of different telescopes, Abstracts of the seminar “Studies of exoplanets” (June 3-4, 2014, Moscow, Institute of Space Research), p. 8-9, in Russian, an oral presentation.

   Ipatov S.I., Cho Y-K. Spectra of exoplanets similar to the Earth with different axial rotation. Abstracts of Moscow seminar “Studies of exoplanets” (Moscow, Institute of Space Research, June 3-4 2014), p. 24. A poster.

   Ipatov S.I., Marov M.Ya., Migration of small bodies and dust to the terrestrial planets. Abstracts of International Conference “Modern problems of computer mathematics and mathematical physics” devoted to 95th anniversary of A.A. Samarskii (Moscow, Russia, 16-17 June 2014), Max Press, p. 101-103. An oral presentation.

   Ipatov S.I. Formation of satellite systems of trans-Neptunian objects and the Earth-Monn system. Conference “Astronomy from close cosmos to cosmological distances” (25-30 May, 2015, Moscow). P. 57-58. An oral presentation.

    Ipatov S.I., Formation of terrestrial planets, the Moon and satellite systems of small bodies. Oral presentation at the conference “Star formation and planet formation” (November 12 - 13, 2019, Moscow, Phys.Inst. of RAS). In Russian.

    Ipatov S.I. Probabilities of collisions with the Earth and the Moon of planetesimals that migrated from beyond the orbit of Mars // Abstracts of the All-Russian Annual Workshop on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. April 16-17, 2019 Moscow. , 2019. #064. A poster. 

    Ipatov S.I. Probabilities of collisions of planetesimals from various regions of the feeding zone of the terrestrial planets with the forming planets and the Moon // Abstracts of the All-Russian Annual Workshop on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. April 16-17, 2019 Moscow. , #063. An oral presentation.

    Ipatov S.I., Feoktistova E.A., Svetsov V.V. The number of near-Earth objects and the formation of lunar craters during the last billion years // Abstracts of the All-Russian Annual Workshop on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. April 16-17, 2019 Moscow. , #065.  A poster.

    Ipatov S.I. Probabilities of collisions of near-Earth objects with the Earth // Abstracts of the All-Russian Annual Workshop on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. April 14-15, 2020. Moscow.  #047. P. 49.Тезисы%20ВЕСЭМПГ%202020.pdf ,

    Ipatov S.I. Migration of planetesimals from the outer planets to inner planets in the Proxima Centauri system and in the solar system.// Abstracts of the All-Russian Annual Workshop on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. May 25-26, 2021. Moscow.  #050. P. 52, an oral presentation.

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of planetesimals in the habitable zones of the Solar System and Proxima Centauri system. Abstracts of all-Russian astronomical conference “Astronomy in the era of multichannel research” (Moscow, August 23-28, 2021), p. 225. ,  an oral presentation.

   Ipatov S.I. Formation of the terrestrial planets and the Moon. Abstracts of all-Russian astronomical conference “Astronomy in the era of multichannel research” (Moscow, August 23-28, 2021), p. 226. , an oral presentation.

   Ipatov S.I. Probabilities of collisions with planets and the Moon of bodies ejected from the Earth at its collisions with bodies-impactors. Abstracts of the All-Russian Annual Workshop on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. April 19-20, 2022. Moscow.  #045. P. 47, an oral presentation.

   Ipatov S.I. Growth of exoplanets by accretion of planetesimals initially located at different distances from the star // Abstracts of the All-Russian Annual Workshop on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. April 11-12, 2023. Moscow.  #048. P. 50, . a poster presentation.

   Ipatov S.I. Size of the feeding zone of planet Proxima Centauri c // Abstracts of the All-Russian Annual Workshop on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. April 11-12, 2023. Moscow.  #049. P. 51, a poster presentation.

   Marov M.Ya., Ipatov S.I. Role of migration of celestial bodies in the evolution of the Earth and planets // Abstracts of The Twenty-third International Conference on Computational Mechanics and Modern Applied Software Systems (CMMASS'2023) (September 4-10, 2023. The Divnomorskoe village, Krasnodar Krai, Russia). MAI, 2023. P. 493-495. conference program.

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of bodies ejected from the Earth and the Moon // Abstracts of the All-Russian Annual Workshop on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. April 16-17, 2024. Moscow.  #050. P. 52. ВЕСЭПМГ 2024 . a poster

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of bodies in the Proxima Centauri and Trappist 1 exoplanetary system // Abstracts of the All-Russian Annual Workshop on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. April 16-17, 2024. Moscow.  #049. P. 51. A poster.

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of planetesimals in the exoplanetary system Trappist 1. VAK-2024 conference. Niznii Arhyz. Russia. 25-31 August 2024. A poster. .  – the book of abstracts. P. 206. – my abstract – slides of the 5 minutes’ presentation – a poster

   Ipatov S.I. Migration of planetesimals and dust particles in Proxima Centauri exoplanetary system. VAK-2024 conference. Niznii Arhyz. Russia. 25-31 August 2024. An oral presentation. .  – the book of abstracts. P. 205. - my abstract – slides of the presentation

   Ipatov S.I. Exchange of meteorites between the terrestrial planets and the Moon. VAK-2024 conference. Niznii Arhyz. Russia. 25-31 August 2024. An oral presentation. .  – the book of abstracts. P. 223. - my abstract.  - slides of the presentation

   Ipatov S.I. Evolution of orbits of bodies in exoplanetary systems Proxima Centauri, TRAPPIST-1 и GLISSE 581. Scientific seminar “Studies of Solar system planets and exoplanerts” (December 16-21, 2024, Niznii Arhyz. Russia). An oral online presentation.  – program of the seminar. Abstracts will be put on the website of the seminar.


Posters and oral presentations without abstracts:

   Ipatov, S.I., Keith, H., Alsubai, K., Bramich, D., Dominik, M., Hundertmark, M., Liebig, C., Snodgrass, C., Street, R., Tsapras, Y., Exoplanet detection capability of microlensing observations, a poster at 18th International Conference on Microlensing (January 19-24, 2014, Santa Barbara, USA, )

   Ipatov, S.I., Keith, H., Alsubai, K., Bramich, D., Dominik, M., Hundertmark, M., Liebig, C., Snodgrass, C., Street, R., Tsapras, Y., Simulator for Microlens Planet Surveys, a poster at “Gravitational microlensing. 101 years from theory to practice” (10-13 February 2013, Doha, Qatar,

     Ipatov S.I., Formation and growth of embryos of the Earth-Moon system. The 1st IUGG Symposium on Planetary Sciences (IUGG-PS 2017) (July 3-5, 2017, Berlin, Germany),  , a poster presentation.

     Ipatov S.I., Formation of trans-Neptunian satellite systems at the stage of rarefied condensations. The 1st IUGG Symposium on Planetary Sciences (IUGG-PS 2017) (July 3-5, 2017, Berlin, Germany),  , a poster presentation.

     Ipatov S.I., Marov, M.Ya. Migration of icy planetesimals from the feeding zones of Jupiter and Saturn to forming terrestrial planets. The 1st IUGG Symposium on Planetary Sciences (IUGG-PS 2017) (July 3-5, 2017, Berlin, Germany),  , an oral presentation.

     Marov M.Ya., Ipatov S.I. Oceans of the Earth and terrestrial planets: hypotheses of origin. XХII International scientific conference (school) on marine geology (Moscow, November 20-24, 2017). A plenary report. Conference site -

    Ipatov S.I. Formation of the terrestrial planets, the Moon and satellite systems of small bodies. An oral presentation at the conference "Star formation and planet formation" (November 12 - 13, 2019, Moscow, ASC FIAN). An oral presentation.

      Ipatov S.I. Migration of planetesimals in the exoplanetary systems Proxima Centauri and TRAPPIST-1. All-Russian conference "Research of stars with exoplanets-2021" Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INASAN) October 24-29, 2021. An oral presentation without abstracts.

   Ipatov S.I. Results of GEOKHI RAN on the grant № 075-15-2020-780. All-Russian conference “Studies of stars with exoplanets” (23-27 November, 2022, Suzdal). An oral presentation.

   Ipatov S.I. "Migration processes in the Solar system and in some exoplanetary systems and their role in the evolution of planets". Meeting-discussion "Astronomical problems of the origin and development of life. Young Sun and Earth" (GAISh MSU, Moscow. March 19-20, 2024).  - meeting program. Oral 30-minute invited lecture (without abstracts).  – first day of the conference.


Grant reports

  Final (January 23, 2008 – January 22, 2010) report on NASA grant NNX08AG25G “Velocities and amount of material ejected at different times after the Deep Impact collision” (PI – Sergei Ipatov).

   More information about grant reports is in the Russian version of this file.


Reports of the Institute of Applied Mathematics of Soviet Academy of Sciences (only in Russian):

   Ipatov, S.I., Algorithm of simulation of a disk of gravitating bodies moving around the massive central body for the computer PS-2000 with multiple processors. 1985. Report N O-1211, 182 p.

   Ipatov, S.I. and Gonsales-Menendes, E.A., Computer simulations with PS-2000 for the problems of planet cosmogony. 1985. Report N O-3385, 109 p.

   Several other reports are in the Russian version of this file


Theses (in Russian)

Ipatov, S.I., Evolution of orbits of gravitating particles and the problem of accumulation of solar system planets, PhD thesis, Institute of applied mathematics of soviet academy of sciences, 1982, 264 pages ( abstract of thesis – 18 pages), in Russian.

Ipatov, S.I., Simulation of migration of celestial bodies in the Solar System, thesis for a Doctor of Sciences degree (this degree has a higher level than PhD and have no analog in the USA). 1996, Moscow, Institute of applied mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences, 387 pages (abstract of thesis – 48 pages), in Russian. . ,


Press releases (in Russian)


Devoted to the paper by Marov and Ipatov (2023) in Physics Uspekhi. Origin of water on the Earth:, (  .

This paper was also mentioned in  1508,  ,  , .    


Formation of the Moon:




Proxima Centauri c:


About the paper in Meteoritics and Planetary Science:  ;


About the paper in GEOKHI-75:  ; в ТГ -


Main results in astronomy - 2023 -


Asteroids -


About the paper in Soilar System Research N 6:  ,



https://xn--c1aejx9a.xn--p1ai/SitePages/News_265.aspx , , -


                         Information about Ipatov on the website of GEOKHI in 2024 (In Russian):