Sergei Ipatov

E-mail: Skype: sipatov. Web site:

     SUMMARY: A scientist with more than 50 years of experience in modeling and interpreting various physical processes. The laureate of the F.A. Bredikhin prize in astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Asteroid 14360 was named Ipatov in his honor. Analyzed images made by telescopes. Author of more than 170 refereed papers in journals and proceedings, and more than 270 other publications. The first or single author of most of these publications.

     RESEARCH EXPERIENCE (excluding payment from grants via some institutions):

● V.I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia), Leading scientist. December 2013 – present.

● Space Research Institute (Moscow, Russia), Leading scientist (part time). May 2011 – March 2017.

Alsubai Establishment for Scientific Studies (Doha, Qatar). Researcher. August 2011 – August 2013.

Studies of astronomical problems. February 2010 – July 2011.

Catholic University of America (Washington, DC). Research associate. April 2008 – January 2010.

Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of Carnegie Institution for Science (Washington, DC, USA). Research scientist. September 2006 – March 2008.

University of Maryland (College Park, MD, USA). Research associate. January 2005 – August 2006.

Catholic University of America (Washington, DC). Research associate. May 2004 – October 2004.

George Mason University (VA, USA). Visiting senior research associate. May 2003 – April 2004.

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (MD, USA). National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences Senior Research Associate. May 2002 – April 2003.

George Mason University (VA, USA). Visiting researcher. July 2001 – April 2002.

Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia). Leading scientist, 1997-2001 (formally until December 2003). Senior scientist, 1990-1997. Scientist, 1987-1990. Junior scientist, 1977-1987. Probationer-investigator, 1975-1977.


     Current interests: Studies of the models of formation and evolution of the Solar System and exoplanetary systems.

     Previous experience: Specialized in computer simulations of the orbital evolution of celestial bodies (i.e., planetesimals, comets, asteroids, trans-Neptunian objects, and planets) and dust particles in the Solar System, in N-body simulations of the accumulation of planetary objects, and in understanding the processes of the formation and evolution of the Solar System. Studied the accumulation of planets, the asteroid and comet hazard to the Earth, the formation of the Kirkwood gaps, the zodiacal cloud, the Moon and satellites of minor bodies, etc. The studies were based on computer simulation results and on analysis of observations.

     Compared the exoplanet detection capability of microlensing observations for several telescopes and several models of a choice of microlensing events selected for observations; analyzed models for sky brightness and seeing (2011-2013). Analyzed the images made during the flight of the Deep Impact spacecraft to Comet 9P/Tempel 1 (2005-2010). Applied the FLASH adaptive mesh refinement hydrodynamics code to study the dynamics of mixing and transport processes in the presolar cloud (2006-2007). Studied the radiative transfer in atmospheres of test extrasolar planets (2007-2008). Conducted observations of asteroids (1999). Studied non-astronomical problems, e.g., the acoustic wave generation at filtration of fluids in porous rocks (2001), the channel routing for two-layer microchips (1985-1990).

     Worked together with John Mather (a Nobel Prize in Physics laureate), Michael A’Hearn (the principal investigator for the NASA EPOXI and Deep Impact missions), Alan Boss (a prominent scientist in stellar and planetary system formation), Eric Elst (a discoverer of over 3,000 asteroids), Timur Eneev and Michael Marov (Russian academicians, pioneers of space flights), Keith Horne (a prominent scientist in search of exoplanets and several other astronomical problems), etc. Scientific interests are presented in more detail on  (scientificinterests.doc).

     PROGRAMMING: Wrote codes in FORTRAN and IDL. Worked in LINUX and WINDOWS. Prepared papers with figures in tex, ps, pdf, and doc, presentations in ppt, and movies in mpeg.

     EDUCATION (the file   contains evaluation of foreign education, and copies of diplomas and transcripts).

D. habil. (D. Sc.) in Physical and Mathematical Sciences (this degree is of the scientific level of a full professor), Supreme Qualification Committee of the Russian Federation, 1997 (D. habil. thesis: "Modeling of migration of celestial bodies in the Solar System").

Ph.D. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1982 (Ph.D. thesis: "Evolution of orbits of gravitating particles and the problem of accumulation of planets in the Solar System").

B.S. in Mathematics, M.S. in Theoretical Mechanics (U.S. equivalence). Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics (Department of Theoretical Mechanics) at Moscow State University. 1970-1975. GPA=3.7 (of GPA Max. = 4). Different mathematical courses (e.g., Mathematical analysis, Analytic geometry, Higher algebra, Differential equations, Theory of complex variable functions, Differential geometry, Principles of computation methods, Equations of mathematical physics, Probability theory, Mathematical analysis III), Celestial mechanics, Theoretical mechanics, Continuum mechanics (including Fluid mechanics), Quantum mechanics, Stability theory, Controlled movement mechanics, Computers and programming, different special courses in mechanics and physics, etc. M.S. thesis: "Some problems of evolution of the asteroid belt". Student research work was also devoted to constructing the codes for simulation of interactions of two galaxies and to the use of game theory for spacecraft control.

     PUBLICATIONS: Author of more than 70 papers in refereed journals (Advances in Space Research, Astrophys. J., Celest. Mechanics and Dyn. Astron.; Earth, Moon, and Planets; Icarus, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, Monthly Not. Royal Astron. Soc., Solar System Research, Soviet Astronomy, Soviet Astron. Letters, Physics – Uspekhi, Geochemistry International, Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies, Intern. Applied Mechanics, Astron. and Astrophys. Transactions, etc.), about 100 papers in the refereed proceedings of international conferences, the monograph "Migration of celestial bodies in the Solar System" (Moscow, 2000, 2021, 320 p., in Russian), and more than 270 other publications. A list of publications and texts of most of them are presented on . Lists of publications are also on ,,, . WoS Researcher ID:  O-2302-2014

     LECTURESHIP: Lectures on migration of celestial bodies at the astronomical department of Moscow State University in 1998. These lectures were published as a book in 2000 (republished in 2021). Supervised a scientific work of a student at NASA/GSFC in 2002-2003. Taught mathematics at Russian high schools in mid-70s as a volunteer.

     PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: A member of European Astron. Society (1995-), Euro-Asian Astron. Society (1995-), American Astron. Society (2002-), International Astronomical Union (2003-), Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (section of physics, since 2000), American Geophysical Union (2006-), an associate of Committee on Space Research (COSPAR, 1996-), Europlanet Society (2020-). A member of the editorial board of the journal “Solar System Research” since 2003.

     AWARDS: Asteroid 14360 Ipatov named in his honor by International Astronomical Union, 2005.

F.A. Bredikhin Prize in Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences Award, 2019.

National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences Senior Research Associateship Award (US), 2002. Biography was published by Marquis Who’s Who (e.g., ,,, American Biographical Institute, International Biographical Center, and in several Russian editions.

     GRANTS. The principal investigator of the NASA DDAP grant “Velocities and amount of material ejected at different times after the Deep Impact collision” in 2008-2009. The principal investigator of grants of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) from 1993 to 1998 and from 2001 to 2003. The leader of Moscow team of the INTAS grant in 2001-2004. A reviewer of applications for NASA grants and NASA Postdoctoral Program.

     VISITS TO SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS: For one or two months, visited Institute for Theoretical Physics of the University of California in Santa Barbara (USA) in 1992, Notre-Dame University in Namur (Belgium) in 1995, Berlin Institute of Planetary Exploration in 1996, Royal Observatory of Belgium (Brussels) in 1998, Dresden Technical University in 2001, Inst. d’Astrophysique de Paris in 2007, St-Andrews University (UK) in 2011. During 5 months’ visit to the Royal observatory of Belgium in 1999, he found (with E. Elst and T. Pauwels) several new asteroids. Eight of the asteroids have gotten numbers. Made shorter trips to the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism (1990), University of London (1995), Armagh Observatory (Northern Ireland, 1995, 2000), Nice Observatory (1999), etc. Delivered lectures at many conferences in various countries (files with several old (before 2017) presentations can be found on ).